My Chicago trip. This blog post is a continued blog post from the Canada trip. Something happened on our way back to Tennessee. I figured I would share in this blog post on this random memory.

Why we were traveling back south from the Canada trip my friend woke me up because she was lost going in a circle through the tolls of Chicago. Next thing you know we hear a loud thud. We pull over at one of the tollways. Looked at the car and her axle boot busted.
So we call for a cab to take us to a U-Haul place or one of those the box trucks stores. They told us we had to have advance reservations in order to get a truck. We were going to rent a truck and a dolly to take her car home.
However we were in able to do that. So we had to get a cab again to take us back to the car. That’s when we decided will have to take a Greyhound home.
Both of our parents had to wire us money for that. Remind you I was in college, I was a late teenager to early 20s.
One thing I can remember from one of three taxi cab rides was one of them was trying to offer us marijuana we both refused and told him to pull us over and we had to get another taxi.
Finally we got the taxi cab to take us to the bus terminal we told him we need to go to Chicago, IL. He told us that we don’t we need to go to Handmond, IL.
His reasoning for that was it was closer and would cost us less in busfare. He said the Chicago bus goes to that town then goes south.
I remember we loaded both suitcases with everything that was in the car. Then got in the cab and went to the Greyhound Bus terminal and headed home.
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