I would like to take this time to write about a ministry that I know my friend Rob Poston is involved in. He is involved in the formally Mustang Ministries, which is now called Muscle Car Ministries. Rob is a big Mustang guru you can say. So I felt led to inquire about this ministry and share with my readers. Some of my readers may own a Mustang, a Camaro, Corvette, or another type of Muscle Car and might like to find out more. I was able to email Pastor J (Jamie) about this ministry so I can make this blog entry.
The Foundation
This ministry was founded by Rev. Jamie Estes (Pastor J) his wife Kena (Roushelle) and their good friends David Lopata (Deacon D) and his wife Paula (Co-Pilot) they founded this ministry about 5 years ago (2008).The were using this ministry to reach Christ to people through Car Shows and the Car Related field to they can be ministered where they might not be through other types of groups.
All you have to do to join this ministry is have a Love for the Lord and also for Muscle Cars. There are no dues or fees to join. It is welcome to all. It is a family friendly, oriented ministry. Most of all the events they do Pastor J stated evolves the whole family. So if you have a passion for both of these, then why not check out this great ministry. I know from hearing Rob talk it is very friendly oriented, it is like every member is like a big family.
At the first of each year we get together and plan our events (car shows we will hold, car shows we will participate in, and cruises that we are going to do) then we publish this list for anyone who would like to attend.

Car Shows & Fundraising
We do not have any dues. We put on two Car Shows a year with the proceeds of the first one going to a charity and the second one going to pay for the Bibles that we hand out, the cost of operating our website, and for t-shirts for our members. This year our first event was held at Mount Harmony Church where we had 168 cars show up and raised $2000.00 for the Mount Harmony Mission Trip and $7100.00 for the Knoxville Hope Resource Center. (The above photo was taken from their web site)
More about the ministry
Currently we have approximately 200 members with an average of 20-50 members at each of our events depending on the date and location of the event. We have a chapter in North Carolina as well. We also have members in Arkansas; Los Angeles, CA; Dearborn, MI; Newport, TN; and Corbin, KY. Main chapter covers East Tennessee with the main operation in Knoxville, TN.
Muscle Car Ministries Motto
“Spreading the Word of God the fastest way we know how.”
Muscle Car Ministries Bible Verse
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15
Denomination affiliated?
No we are not affiliated with a denomination. We have members from the Baptist, Methodist, and even Catholic backgrounds. While Pastor J is an ordained Southern Baptist minister, we focus on Biblical teachings and the messages of Jesus Christ.
What Pastor J gets out of the ministry
We have gotten friends from over 6 states and even Australia. We have also seen God change the lives of people who for one reason or another would rather not be part of a church but will study the gospel and grow closer to Christ outside the doors of a church.
What Deacon D gets out of the ministry
Since I gave my life to the Lord On Easter of 2002 I have always wanted to be part of a Ministry, but all the projects that the Church’s were doing were during the day and always during the week. I worked all the time so it was not possible for me to do it.In 2008 I sold my 1968 Camaro project car and wanted something that we could drive ,but still show. After some searching we found the 2007 Grabber Orange Mustang we now own. A co-worker had mentioned that there was a car club that met at a local diner so we stopped in and that is where we met Jamie and Kena. I am sure they told you the story of how we came up with the ideal for the Ministries. So to answer your question we have wonderful christian friends ,we have the opportunity to meet and share the gospel with everyone we come in contact with,the cars open the door for us to step in. Spending time doing this makes me want to learn more about Gods word so I can tell others. I believe I have become a better person because of it and now pass on what I have learned to my co-workers and friends. I truly believe that God puts people together for his glory and he has put together a great group of people and is still growing this Ministry. Thanks for your interest and I would be happy to tell you more should you want to hear.There is so much more to this story than could be written on this page.
What Rob Poston gets on of the ministry
I joined the Mustang/Musclecar Ministries a few years ago after having a very bad experience with a former Mustang club. It started out for me as just a car club, but was nice to join a community where the members shared the same morals and standards as I do, much different than the previous car club that had become all about foul language, slander, and unethical behavior.
The more I became involved with the program, the more I got to know the people in the Ministries. They became more of a family to Tiffany and I. As the months went by, I realized that the program is more about Christ than it is about cars. I began to trust these people, something that is very hard for me to do after my past experiences with people who claimed to be a friend.
One of the people that I trusted greatly was a man by the name of Cale Parrott. Cale not only is an active member of the Ministries, but is also a choir director at Galilee Baptist, a church that is right up the road from my house. I have to admit that I had fallen out of my regular church routine, and was looking for a place to become my new church home. I never lost my faith, but felt like I lost my place of worship, and in a way I had become distant as a Christian. A couple of years ago, Cale invited a couple of mutual friends from the Musclecar Ministries to visit his church, and they invited me. The first service really hit home, and I had been going there almost every week since then. The helped me find a home church that I felt comfortable in, and a minister that really speaks volumes to my everyday experiences. I love Cale, and am very appreciative of all that he has been to Tiffany and I, but will never be indebted to him for anything more than I am for getting me back into church regularly again, and for growing my strength as a Christian.
Recently, Cale’s mother passed away of cancer. He hosted a car show in her name, and we had a turnout of 168 cars! It was incredible to see the community supporting his family! After the show, there was a dedication as well as a donation of over $7,000.00 to a local charity. Whenever there is a school, church, or program that needs help, the Ministries are there. Whenever there is good to be done for the betterment of the community, the Ministries are there. Whenever there is a family in need, the Ministries are there. And at each show, they make their force known- they are doing this through Christ, who makes all things possible (Phillipeans 4:16 reference). It is unknown how many people might have been saved because they became involved with this program… maybe none, maybe dozens. But the fact that there are organizations like this who’s sole purpose is to benefit people through faith, and knowing that I am a part of this thing that is so much bigger than any one of us, is a true blessing to me. What is the best part of the Mustang/Musclecar Ministries? The people. The friends. The family who are dedicated to each other, devoted to serving the Lord. The very people who have helped strengthen my own faith and have made me become a stronger and more dedicated Christian. I have always been a Christian, but in the past Christ was always in my life. These past few years, my life has been for Christ. There is a huge difference in these two statements, and I thank the Ministries for helping me realize this.
Contact Muscle Car Ministries
If you have any more questions, feel free to contact them at one of the two sites above, their web site or the Facebook Group.
Comment time!
Are you a member of this ministry? Do you wish to share what you get out of the ministry? Anything that I should add about this ministry? I would like to hear from you. Please feel free to leave your comments below.
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do you know where I could purchase hot rod or classic car tracts ? Any help would be appreciated ! John Stinson stinsons95@att.net
No, I am not sure, but there are places that can send you free gospel tracts. They might have some. Pocket Life, they have some Gospel of John books w/different types of covers. Check out free gospel tracts.