Most Important Part of Christmas Church Sign – New Market

Most Important Part of Christmas Church Sign –

Most Important Part of Christmas Church Sign

This church sign is from New Market Baptist Church in New Market, TN. I have seen this for a short little while and was able to get a picture of this church sign to share with my readers. Below is that church sign and what it says. Sign taken around December of 2012.

Most important part of Christmas is the 1st 6 letters - New Market United Methodist Church
New Market United Methodist Church

Most important part of Christmas is the 1st 6 letters


Christmas is all about Christ! We celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. That is why the first six letters are the most important. The first six letters of Christmas are “C-H-R-I-S-T” Christ + Mas = Christmas. Some people now will say Christ mas, they will emphasize “Christ”. In English, Christmas sounds like we are saying Chris Mas. Christ with no, “t” to say Chris. I like how people do that and say Merry Christ Mas. We must remember it is all about Him and no one else. Not even Santa or even the Christmas Gifts. Christmas is a holy day too! We should keep it holy!

I hope that everyone reading has a very Merry Christmas!


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