More People Turn to Prayer Than Social Media for Help. Despite more people turning to prayer over social media for help, find out where people turn to over prayer!
More People Turn to Prayer Than Social Media for Help
ComRes, found that, when facing a difficult decision, the majority of people will consult friends and family (77 percent), over half will turn to the internet to search for answers (51 percent), six percent say they turn to prayer, and only four percent look to social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
“More people are likely to pray about something than they are to consult social media. That is across the board. There is a lot of research already pointing to how religious London is, and reflecting this, the proportion who choose prayer in London is eight per cent, compared to one per cent in the North East,” said Professor Stephen Bullivant, director of the Benedict XVI Centre for Religion and Society at St Mary’s University, Twickenham.
Full of Drama on Social Media
Today, we live in a world full of sharing their drama on social media, however, this pull shows that people turn to prayer over social media for their help. That is a good thing, as there is power in prayer! Only Christ can fix things! We spend tons of time on social media. If we are not careful, we can end up worshiping social media. That means, we are making it an idol and putting it before God.
What is alarming, is we tend to turn to friends and family for help instead of the Lord. We should be turning to the Lord instead. That is we are to have total dependency and trust in Him and Him alone. However, we don’t do that. We often try to get advice from our loved ones. Too often our loved ones can give us the wrong advice.
Not realizing our help for our issue is found in the Jesus. We can learn more by reading our Bible. The Bible is our blue print for daily living. That is because the Bible is God’s Word! It is God-breathed. Not to mention is is TRUE!I just hope that the friends and family people seek for help gives clear Biblical advice and not advice they feel is right. We must follow Biblical advice over friendly advice. Make sure you seek out a Godly person for advice and help.
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