Message in a Bottle – If I was at the beach and wanted to write a message and put it in a bottle and put it out to sea, what would I want it to say and who would I like to find it? #MessageInABottle #WritingPrompt #piccadillyinc
Message in a Bottle
First of all, I would be amazed at seeing the ocean! I am in my 40’s and have never been to the beach. So I know I’d be in awe of God’s creation there!
I am not sure, but if I was to write a message and put it in a bottle, I might write a letter that contains the gospel. How someone can be saved, spiritually saved!
Maybe even a music sheet to the song Amazing Grace by John Newton. I once was lost, but now I am found!
I would toss this bottle out to sea for a lost person to find, spiritual lost that is. I’d hope the person that found it could read English, if not have a translator that could.
This way it is a way to spread the gospel in a clever way. Almost like a cool gospel tract!
While at the beach you decide to write a message in a bottle. What would it say? Who would you like to find it. #piccadillyinc
400 Writing Prompts Book
What would you write?
Who do you hope finds it?
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