Meet Rocky on Wheels

Just like Meet Rocky on Wheels – a cat who gets around on a wheelchair. It doesn’t stop him from getting around. #RockyonWheels

Meet Rocky on Wheels

Rocky on Wheels is a special needs cat who gets around on a wheelchair.  This cat is a partially paralyzed cat.

Just like Meet Rocky on Wheels - a cat who gets around on a wheelchair. It doesn't stop him from getting around. #RockyonWheels

His hind legs were paralyzed when his mother dropped him off a high loading dock in Newark, NJ and left him for dead.

Dawn Firestone, his hooman fashioned a wheelchair for him to get around.

Rocky on Wheels even got a big break appearing on Ellen.

Follow Rocky on Wheels on Instagram: rocky_onwheels

Make sure to follow 2 Cats and a Blog as we feature more special needs cats.

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Just like we featured Blacky the Wheelchair Cat

About the Author

Author: Lilly Bug

I'm Lilly Bug, a female calico cat / tortoiseshell cat  living in Jefferson City, TN and I want to share my adventures with you. Plus, I share other cat information too. I live with my daddy hooman, Steve and my momma hooman Heather. Plus let's not forget my brother cat, Joel the Brave. Plus my younger sister, MissPrints. I am part of 2 Cats and a Blog that now blog here on Courageous Christian Father, the blog my dadda hooman does.

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