McJesus Sculptor – This Israeli Art exhibit has caused a lot of outrage with Israeli Christians in Israel. #McJesus
McJesus Sculptor
Another outrageous attempt to attack Jesus Christ. This one involved a sculptor of Ronald McDonald. This blasphemy art piece should not only outrage the Israeli Christians, but ALL Christians! Jesus told us that because He was persecuted, we will be too. That includes this art piece and even DC Comics making Jesus a Superhero in the Second Coming.
The McJesus sculpture has had hundres of Christians asking for its removal at the Haifa Museum of Art in Haifa, Israel.

It is sad however, that many Christians are resulting to violence over this by hurling firebombs at the museum or even tossing stones in the museum. Violence and attacks is not the answer to attacks on Jesus like this. The Haifa Museum of ARt has also had bloodied Jesus and Virgin Mary Barbie Dolls on exhibit too.
Museum director Nissim Tal said that he was shocked at the sudden uproar, especially because the exhibit — intended to criticize what many view as society’s cult-like worship of capitalism — had been on display for months. It has also been shown in other countries without incident.
The uproar started over people posting images on social media.
“We need to understand that freedom of expression is interpreted in different ways in different societies,” said Wadie Abu Nassar, an adviser to church leaders. “If this work was directed against non-Christians, the world would be turned upside down.”
The museum has refused to remove the artwork, saying that doing so would infringe on freedom of expression. But following the protests it hung a curtain over the entrance to the exhibit and posted a sign saying the art was not intended to offend.
“This is the maximum that we can do,” Tal said. “If we take the art down, the next day we’ll have politicians demanding we take other things down and we’ll end up only with colorful pictures of flowers in the museum.”
“This is very offensive and I cannot consider this art,” Haifa artist and devout Christian Amir Ballan said. “We will continue through peaceful rallies and candle vigils… We won’t be quiet until we reach a solution.”
Jani Leinonen, the Finnish artist behind “McJesus,” has also asked that it be taken down — but for a different reason … because he supports Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions or BDS. That is a Palestinian-led movement for pressuring Isarel to change its polices toward the Palestinans.
The museum won’t bow to religious or political pressure as they will defend freedom of speech, freedom of art and freedom of culuture.
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