Mary was the first person to carry the gospel church sign

Mary was the first person to carry the gospel church sign is this weeks Church Sign Saturday. This church sign is from Bean Station, TN at the First Baptist Church of Bean Station.

Mary was the First Person to Carry the Gospel

First Baptist Church Bean Station Church Sign
Mary was the First Person to Carry the Gospel - First Baptist Church Bean Station Church Sign

I saw this when passing through the area and I had to share it with my readers. This is a good Christmas Church Sign.

She literately carried the gospel inside her womb. There is also the sense of carrying the gospel as spreading the good news.

If I am not mistaking, Isaiah and others prophets in the Old Testament carried the gospel too. They told about the soon to come gospel. So they carried the Gospel Past.

She carried the Gospel Present and the Gospel Future.

Make sure you follow this blog, I plan to share more Church signs as I come across them and can get them published. (I do have several I still need to share on here!)

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