Marriage Sunday
Marriage Sunday
Marriage Sunday

Join with me and many others Sunday, April 26, 2015. This day marks Marriage Sunday. We will be praying for our national to be able to keep the Biblical grounds of marriage. That is between One Man and One Woman. The Bible is clearing against same sex marriage. Check out this blog post: Marriage: One Man, One Woman Period! In that blog post I give Bible verses and talk about that issue.

The Supreme Court is going to hear debates about same sex marriages on Tuesday, April 28, 2015.

I am asking you to stand firm on Biblical Marriage! Pray for our nation and our leaders in this issue and all other issues. Our Nation is turning its back against God. Woe to the nation who turns away from God.

This ruling is also for those businesses that won’t make cakes or other business that won’t serve or do business with those wishing to do same sex weddings. Like pastors marrying them, cake bakers making them for them, photographers doing it for them.

We have freedoms in this country, America and those freedoms are being taken away little by little because we don’t have anyone standing up against the evil. We need Freedom fighters to stand up for what they believe and not allow those others to take over our beliefs. America is founded on Freedom of Religion, not Freedom From Religion.

Even Billy Graham and his son are getting in to help Stand for Marriages. They did a March for Marriage on April 25, 2015 in Washington, DC. They had many guest speakers at this event.  There was many people who did marches in there own towns and also virtual marches. Even a pledge to sign too.

Romans 12:2

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

The world expects you to conform and adapt to sin. It also tells us we must accept the world. But the Bible clearly tells us otherwise.

Please also use the hashtags #StandForMarriage


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