
I am sad to say this but it seems manners are a thing of the past. Even with adults today! It seems today matters don’t matter anymore, when in fact they should matter.

People don’t seem to say “Excuse Me” if they need by somewhere and someone is blocking where they are at or need to go or reach for an item. Or even saying “Excuse Me” or “Pardon Me” after you pass gas or belch.

Plus it seems no one can say “Yes Sir” or “No Sir” along with “Yes Ma’am” or “No Ma’am”.

Also when you want or need something to say, “Please”. It is also polite to say, “Thank You” after someone does something for you or gives you something.

“May I” is another one, when asking for something. It’s NOT “Can I”.

“Bless You” or “God Bless You” after someone sneezes. I know I have heard about schools suspending kids for this practice of mannerism.

I was raised up on these things. I wished people would instill them more in children as they are growing up.

I try to get my daughter to do the ” Yes Sir” or ” No Sir” she don’t like it when I make her do it, but I still make her because it shows respect. I am glad however she does use “Please” and “Thank You”.

I think one reason manners seem to be going away is the fact we are becoming a selfish me, me, me world. A world where we don’t care about others. A world where we put ourself before others.

It is sad to see that manners matter is slowly dying to almost becoming extinct. I hope that we can start instilling these manners back into people.

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