Walks on Water image by biblecartoons.co.uk

Captain ChristianBlogR coming at you. I am here to share with you another adventure in Bible Stories of the Sea. This adventure takes us to the Galilee Sea. Did you know that there was a man that walked on the sea. And another man that tried to do the same.

Walks on Water image by biblecartoons.co.uk
Walks on Water image by biblecartoons.co.uk

I am talking about Jesus walking on water. This even happened just right after Jesus feed the five thousands. Jesus had them go before him in the boat and set sail on the sea. Jesus went to the mountain top to pray while the disciples set sail.

The disciples found themselves in the middle of the sea with strong winds. It was around 3:00 – 6:00 am (Fourth Watch) and the disciples see someone walking on the sea. They thought it was a ghost (in Greek it was used to describe a dream, a vision, or spirit apparitions). They cried in fear. They were scared. Then, Jesus called out to them and told them not to be afraid, to be of good cheer and for it is I (Meaning I am – I am was used during the exodus, where Moses led his people.)

Peter, recognized Him and asked if that was Him. So Christ asked Peter to come to Him on the sea. Peter believed it was Him. So Peter took one step out in the sea. Peter got scared because the winds were still strong, so he took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink. He cried out to Jesus to save Him. Jesus then reached out his hand to Peter and rescued him. Jesus asked Peter why he doubted Him.

As soon as Jesus and Peter boarded the boat, the winds calmed down. As soon as this happened they worshiped Christ. I believe this was when the disciples truly knew that Jesus was the Son of God. You can read more about walking on water in Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:15-21.

Did you know that Job 9:8 mentioned about Yahweh walked on water as if it was dry land.

Note, only the Gospel of Matthew accounted for Peter trying to walk on the sea. Mark and John’s accounts don’t mention about Peter attempting to walking on the Sea. I am glad my lifeguard walks on water.

One key thing we need to keep our eyes on Christ and not look away. We may sink if we take our eyes off Christ. *Check out this blog post on Eyes on the Road


  • Matthew 14:22-33
  • Mark 6:45-52
  • John 6:15-21
  • Holeman NKJV Study Bible, page 1622-1623

Bible Stories of the Sea


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6 thoughts on “Man walks on water

  1. I did not have time to visit site today, hopefully I can remedy that tomorrow. But I have always been puzzled how hard on Peter most people are, after all he is the only one who got out of the boat!!!! And when he started sinking, he knew Who to call & did!.

  2. Saw this on facebook, a Lego’s image with Jesus saying to Peter. “And Don’t Lego”
    We should never Lego of Jesus. (Let Go!) Keep your eyes on Jesus.

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