Make a Friend Day

Make a Friend Day – You can’t have too many friends … Or Can You? A Holiday to make a new friend! #MakeAFriendDay

Make a Friend Day

Make a Friend Day - You can't have too many friends ... Or Can You? A Holiday to make a new friend! #MakeAFriendDay

So here is a day to go out and make a new friend. I am not talking about friends on Facebook. As we know most of those are acquaintances or just friends of our family and friends.

Make a Friend Day – You can't have too many friends … Or Can You? #MakeAFriendDay Share on X

This day is held annually on February 11.

I am not sure who or when this day was created.

A man of too many friends comes to ruin,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24

This holiday is one that will put yourself out there. It is also a good one for those outgoing personality type. Often, you do need to put yourself out there to make a friend or two. That also means they need to do the same thing.

Maybe you share a slice of pizza with that friend. That reminds me of the movie The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry, a good Christian-based movie about friendship and being kind to one another.

First published February 9, 2019. Last updated or republished February 8, 2021.

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