Advertise Here
If you would like to advertise on Courageous Christian Father, then feel free to contact me. I will run your banner on my side bar for your generous best donation. You pick the price. Money used will go to help fund this blog. I also will accept any banner trades too. Contact Me for more information.
Linking & Sharing
I appreciate all the links out there I can get. If you can help spread the word. Feel free to add entries (or main blog page) to your favorite social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and the list can go on and on! You are also welcome to link to us on your own blog or Web site by text link or banner.
If you are a newspaper, magazine etc and would donate an ad spot or so. Feel free to contact me. In exchange, I will put your logo and link on ny blog. Special thanks to The Smoky Mountain Trader & The Tri-State Connection for my free space plus being on the Living By Faith page.
If you manage a Christian blog feel free to contact me and I would like to add your Christian blog link to my links. Feel free to leave a comment below with that link too. If you linked to my site, if you can let me know you linked to me. Thanks.
Text Link
<a href=””>Courageous Christian Father</a>
Banner Graphic Link

<a href=””> <img src=”/ccf-red-yellow-logo-2.png” width=”250″ height=”250″></a>
Of course you you can change the detentions of the graphic to suit the size you need.

<a href=””> <img src=”/ccf-Top-Banner” width=”900″ height=”305″></a>
Any other size?
If you need a banner in another size, feel free to contact me and I will be glad to resize a banner for your for your site or blog. Thanks.
*Please do not use the banners from my servers, use them from your own server. If you use it from my server a placeholder image will be used saying you are stilling my bandwidth. Please right-click on the above banners and save them and upload them to your own server. If you cannot right-click and save the banner, click on the banner and save it from the image directly itself. Thanks. Also Restrictions do apply on the type of paid banners that I will permit.