Life Still Goes On

Life still goes on even with the death of a loved one cause death happens and is a result of the fall. When a loved one passes those left still have to live life.

Life Still Goes On


Life still goes on even with the death of a loved one cause death happens and is a result of the fall. When a loved one passes those left still have to live life.

My mom recently passed away and working on the arrangements and still doing life you realize how much life still goes on. Even so with the passing of my sister a few years ago during the COVID pandemic.

We still have work, bills, eating, appointments and so much more (life) we still have to do while still working on preparing for a loved ones to have their resting place in order.

We must go on, the loved one would want us to continue on.

This isn’t the end … for the child of God it’s only the beginning of eternal life. Sadly those not saved is another thing.

Anyways do you have a Legacy. You might not have much stuff to pass on. But your life can a legacy, how you treat people.

My mom left a huge impact on others. Calling her doctor appoints and even the city bus which she used frequently all knew her immediately after saying her name. Even her apartment complex when I called them … she was one of their favorite residents.

Many of the people I grew up with sharing memories. It seems it’s after death this all comes out.

What kind of legacy will you leave?

I think I got squirreled but this post might be helpful for me to cope in the grieving part.

Life will continue to go on until God sends Jesus for His Church … well even after that is eternal life in heaven or hell … depending on if you accept Jesus or reject Him. The only way to the Father is through Jesus.

So I life will still go on. If your loved one is saved what a glorious day of reunion as the whole body of Christ will be in glory for eternity.

While on earth death will occur, as I shared in our final destination, 100% of people die, myself included. It’s part of life. It’s hard when you lose some.

We all grieve differently … as a believer you may see death differently based on the loved one and knowing their belief … if they accepted or rejected Jesus.

I am so thankful my mom raised me and brought me up in church. I might have wondered off but Jesus came looking for me and brought me back. I do not think I would be the caring and loving man I am without my mom, Paula Elaine Klaus Patterson, and Jesus making me a new creation.

I know this might be a rambling post but the benefits of writing is expressing how you feel, think, believe and so much more. Writing can be therapy.

Now the old song by the Beatles I’m talking about the chorus. As just that part of the song came to mind.

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah
La-la, how their life goes on
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah
La-la, how their life goes on

“Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da” by The Beatles is a lighthearted song that celebrates the simple joys of life. It doesn’t have a deep, profound meaning, but rather focuses on appreciating the everyday experiences and the people around us.

The lyrics often mention mundane activities and observations, such as walking down the street, seeing a pretty girl, and enjoying a cup of tea. The chorus, “Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, life goes on, brah,” emphasizes the idea that life is a continuous journey, full of ups and downs, but it’s important to find happiness in the small moments.

It even was part of the old tv show “Life Goes On.”

Now another song just came to my mind … Shake your booty. The song “Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty” was written by Harry Wayne Casey and Richard Finch. It was a hit for the group KC and the Sunshine Band in 1976 (when I was born).

Anyways, I remember mom saying I’d shake my bottom in the high chair when I was a baby. I’m sure that was a sight to see.

Even memories will go on too. We make memories that is what leave a lasting impression not so much the material things. Besides we can’t take that with us to Heaven, only souls … we must show love of Christ to others and share the gospel to all … even if it’s hard.

We are never promised this next moment, not even me. Why there is urgency in sharing the gospel to everyone including loved ones.

Life will go on for “infinity and beyond” borrowing a poplar part from Buzz Lightyear.

I might be able to keep going … I’m sure memories will come out soon even suppressed memories. I guess I can then make more blog posts on those.

You can read them or not but I will share.

Surround yourself with fellow brothers and sisters as God uses them to help uplift us, encourages us, comforts us and so much more. God uses them to help you through it.

Check out Courageous Christian Father’s Wish list on Amazon where you can purchase and this items sent directly to him and they will be used for the ministry.

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