Level – We’re all the same in some things | Outdoor Truths

Level - We're all the same in some things | Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller

Level – We’re all the same in some things is this weeks Outdoor Truth with Gary Miller.

Level – We’re all the same in some things | Outdoor Truths

I used to hate the thoughts of driving more than an hour or so to some destination. That seems so long ago. Now, if I have an event or hunting trip of 5 hours or less, I feel like I’m still in my neighborhood. While I regularly take off on 10 hour trips, about 7 or 8 hours of driving is about my limit for one day. What I really dread are plane flights. Since first class is out of my budget, I am relegated to the peasant section that’s designed for people no taller than a 10 year old. The goal is always the same – to make it to my destination within two hours of when I’m told I’ll get there and that my luggage will be waiting for me as well. The new express lanes are helpful, but since 9/11, catching a flight has become a real experience. The list of items you cannot carry on an airplane has become comical and the security check-in is more like a strip down search. The most common picture at any airport today is the one of everyone gathered in a small area trying to get their shoes back on.

One thing I have noticed is that I’m not being treated any different from anyone else. I may stroll in, in my camo, and take off my Lacrosse boots, but the guy in the business suit is taking his Allen Edmonds off as well. If you have any pride in who you are, it will quickly be seized, x-rayed, and detected for metal. No matter who you are, the ground around the security check-in is truly level.

Each time I endure this process, I’m reminded of the day that all of mankind will stand before God. I imagine if there is a line it will be made of those from all walks of life, both men and women. Every race and religion will make their way to the place where everything of earthly value will be stripped away. All of our accumulated treasures will be considered an unfit evaluation of our worthiness for heaven. The only thing of value will be things of heavenly significance; namely what we did with Christ and for others. The good news is that our arrangements can be made before we arrive. Our ticket has already been bought; we just have to pick it up. It’s waiting at the cross. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your camo or business suit, the ground around that cross is level and easily accessible for anyone who will humbly come, realize they cannot make it there on their own, and accept the free ticket that’s been provided by asking this Christ into their hearts.

Gary Miller

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DISCLAIMER: The views, beliefs and opinions expressed in this article, Outdoor Truths, are those of Gary Miller and do not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs or opinions of Courageous Christian Father. Outdoor Truth’s is a syndicated article published in various newspaper and online sources and has been used on Courageous Christian Father with permission from Gary Miller. #OutdoorTruths

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