Judgement House

Judgement House is a way to witness to many people by a walk through drama presentation by showing a life situation, presented as a walk-through gospel presentation. Maybe what would happen if you did perhaps took this one road or if you take the other road. Mainly, it will show you what would happen if you were lost and what happens if you were saved or lost. In the drama presentation several characters either choose to accept or reject Jesus. If you accept Jesus then you are saved, if you reject Jesus you are lost.

Judgement House

Judgement House Logo (respectfully belongs to Judgement House)

Judgement House gives a representation of what hell would be like, including the extreme heat and darkness and also what Heaven would be like as well. The 2011’s Judgement House was about a car wreck. This same Judgement House had a scene that hit me hard too not to mention my daughter got saved at the 2011 Judgement House at Holston Baptist Church.

One thing to watch out for, is how they portray the scenes. One year, we went to First Baptist of White Pine and they made it like Satan was the ruler of hell. When in fact, he will not rule hell. Satan will also be in hell for torment along with all of the other ones that faced judgement and didn’t accept Jesus.

Judgement House, 2012, has a Judgement House in almost half of America. (23 U.S. States) Typically you will go through 6 to 7 scenes. New tours typically starting every 10 to 15 minutes based on location. You will go in a group setting. It is estimated that nearly 75 people possibly will be presented the presentation in an hour.

There are around 24 official Judgement House scripts that is out there being used. (Plus many more non-official scripts).

Judgement House Believes in the Bible


The Judgement House believes in the Bible and it is the true Word of God. Also believes God revealed Himself to man kind as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (The Trinity). They also believe that salvation is through the Grace of God by our Faith in Jesus Christ. They also believe Jesus gave His own life to die for us, so we can have external life with Him. That he was also resurrected from grave and ascended to the right hand of God. The Judgement House also believes the Holy Spirit abides in those of us who accept Jesus as our personal savior.

Judgement House is a walk-through drama that presents the truth of people’s choices versus the consequences of those decisions both in this life and the next.

The quote used was take from The Judgement House web site.

Go find your local Judgement House, bring a friend, bring a van full of friends, youth, church members, etc. and come experience a life moving experience. In most cases you get a general idea of what “Heaven” is like and what “Hell” is like.

To find your local Judgement House visit:

Note that list only shows the offiical Judgement House and not those doing their own versions or other names for these, see list below of other names.

Side note:

I think these Judgement Houses are best suited for older children, maybe those who are maybe 9 or 10 and older. Also if they are under the age of 18, I would suggest the go with an adult, like a parent or a youth leader or pastor, or with the church group. Judgement House’s seem to be dying down. There is not as many as there use to be in the state of Tennessee. I know here lately too some of the scripts have been more for drama and not biblical. Like one here close to us, portrayed that Satan would rule hell and that is a lie! Satan will be in hell for torment and torture too. (See my note from above)

Other names for these will be …

  • Journey through Heaven and Hell
  • Hell House
  • Heaven’s Gates
  • Hells Flames
  • Hells Fury
  • Journey through Heaven
  • Heaven House
  • Journey through Hell
  • Heaven’s Gate and Hell’s Flames
  • Heaven’s Gate & Hell’s Fury

Some churches do a form of this but may call it different things.

Granted some churches have gone away from the official Judgement House Script and went to their own script as well. After you go to one, make sure you look in your Bible to make sure what you just saw was Biblical Correct!

I want to hear from you!I

Did you visit the Judgement House? If so share with me via a comment where you went, when and your experience with the Judgment House. I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comment below.

More information and locations can be found at judgementhouse.org

First published October 16, 2012. Last republished or updated October 10, 2021.

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2 thoughts on “Judgement House

  1. And that’s my frustration with productions such as “Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames” or “Judgement House” or “Hell House.” They are more about manipulating people into making an emotional decision than helping someone understand what it really means to have a relationship with God.


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