Joseph & Mary’s Boy – Alabama

Joseph & Mary’s Boy – Alabama

Joseph & Mary’s Boy – Alabama

This is a YouTube video where a person took an old 45 and put this song for YouTube. Growing Alabama was my favorite Country Music Group and my their Christmas Album was my favorite. This was always one of my favorite ones on it. This is Alabama playing “Joseph & Mary’s Boy”.

Alabama got their start in 1969 and is from Port Payne, AL. Since I switched to Christian Music, I don’t listen to Alabama anymore, just their Christmas album and gospel songs they play.


Out here is the country there’s magic in the air.
It’s the middle of December there’s excitement everywhere

Everyone’s invited, the celebration’s planned
The gift is just what’s in your heart
And not what’s in your hand

Who’s the one we need to thanks
Who’s the party for
Who’s the one responsible for all this peace and joy
Who deserves the credit for the blessings we enjoy
Preacher said last Sunday it was Joseph and Mary’s boy

There were times we didn’t think
We’d make it through the year
The bankers tried to take our farms
But somehow we’re still here

I don’t know how our crops survived
The drought and then the rain
It must have been a miracle
How else could you explain

And who’s the one we need to thanks
And who’s the party for
And who’s the one responsible for all this peace and joy
And who deserves the credit for the blessings we enjoy
Preacher said last Sunday it was Joseph and Mary’s boy

The Christ Child born in Bethlehem
Joseph and Mary’s boy

Everyone’s invited, the celebration’s planned
The gift is just what’s in your heart
And not what’s in your hand…

Lyrics from A-Z Lyrics

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