John 9 – Today is Day 9 of the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge. So read chapter nine of the Gospel of John. #John9 #BGBG2
John 9
The ninth chapter has 41 verses with three headers.
1. Healing the Man Born Blind
The Gospel of John is full of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, include healing and many miracles. The first section in chapter nine, goes over a blind man that Jesus healed. This man was born blind.
People thought that illnesses, blindness, etc. was due to sin. Jesus told them …
“It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him
John 9:3
Jesus let them know that sin was not the cause of his blindness. Jesus actually spat in the ground. Rubbed the spit in the dirt and formed some clay. Then Jesus told the man to …
“Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent)
People were amazed. Some people didn’t believe he was the same person. He didn’t see Jesus do this. But, this blind man had faith and believed. Reminds me of the song Amazing Grace. I once was blind, but now I see.
2. Controversy over the Man
Now they bring the blind man that was healed to the Pharisees. We might had it was on the Sabbath that Jesus healed this man. Just like many other healing miracles Jesus performed. So the Pharisees were questioning that man.
The Pharisees didn’t believe the blind man was healed. So they called for his parents to testify. They parents pawned it back onto their son, letting the Pharisees know their son is of age and you can ask him. The parents only did that because they feared the Jews.
So they talked to the man that was previously blind. He told them all he knows is I was blind, but now I see. (Amazing Grace!) The man told them I already told you. They put the man away because they said he was born in sin and a sinner.
They did not realize that all sin, including them.
3. Jesus Affirms His Deity
Jesus got word of them putting the blind man out. He asked the blind man if he believed in the Son of Man. That is where the blind man replied Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him? That is when Jesus let him know …
“You have both seen Him, and He is the one who is talking with you.”
John 9:37
Gospel of John Series:
| Introduction |
| John 1 | John 2 | John 3 | John 4 | John 5 |
| John 6 | John 7 | John 8 | John 9 | John 10 |
| John 11 | John 12 | John 13 | John 14 | John 15 |
| John 16 | John 17 | John 18 | John 19 | John 20 |
| John 21 |
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