John 8 – Today is Day 8 of the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge. Today read chapter eight of the Gospel of John. #John8 #bgbg2
John 8

In this eighth chapter of John there are 59 verses and three headings.
1. The Adulterous Woman
Verses 1-11.
I think this story we are familiar with. A woman was caught in a sexual act. She was about to be stoned, but Jesus prevented it. He told the men that only those without sin can cast the stone. They all withdrew. This is also where Jesus wrote something in the sand. No one really knows what He wrote. Jesus didn’t condemn her either. He was without sin and could have. But He choose to forgive her! Jesus even gave her final words …
Sin no more
John 8:11
Learn more in this blog post Go and Sin No More.
Also note, there is no word of the man she was with and what happened to him.
2. Jesus Is the Light of the World
Verses 12-30.
“I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”
John 8:12
You will see all kinds of blog post on Courageous Christian Father on Light.
In verse 24, Jesus told them they will die in their sins. We all know that the wages of Sin is death. That brings me to the LSD of Sin. Lust, Sin and Death.
He also told them when they lift up the Son of Man, then they will know He was who He said He was.
3 . The Truth Will Make You Free
Verses 31-59
“If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
John 8:31-32
We must continue in His Word. If we love Him, we will seek out the things He loves. We will obey His commands. Jesus is also saying He is the Truth and what will set us free from sin.
Sin enslaves us. But Jesus frees us. He won the victory over sin and death on the Cross.
He went on to tell them they are the devils children. That the Devil is their father.
Like in the previous chapters, they still believed Jesus had a demon. He reassured them, He doesn’t have a demon.
Jesus also let them know that before Abraham was, Jesus was. Going back to John 1:1. In the Beginning. See 1st Chapter of John
Gospel of John Series:
| Introduction |
| John 1 | John 2 | John 3 | John 4 | John 5 |
| John 6 | John 7 | John 8 | John 9 | John 10 |
| John 11 | John 12 | John 13 | John 14 | John 15 |
| John 16 | John 17 | John 18 | John 19 | John 20 |
| John 21 |
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