Jesus Took Me Seriously

I came across this graphic that I am going to share with this blog entry some time ago. I saved it and now feel led to share it with you. This graphic looks like it came off a post from twitter, that it is a screen shot of what someone said. This is what this graphic reads:

Everybody thinks I’m crazy. They say, “You take the Jesus thing too seriously.” Well I don’t know, but Christ took me pretty seriously when He died for me on the Cross.”

Christ Took Me Seriously
Christ Took Me Seriously

I would have to say amen to that. I do do not care if you think I take the Jesus thing too serious, you call me a Jesus Freak, A Bible Thumper,Holy Roller, etc. I find those as compliments. That tells me you can see Christ in me. I am not worried about offending man. I am more worried about offending a righteous God. Our Heavenly Father, our creator. God is who we have to answer to at the end at judgement day, not man! I boldly proclaim I am a Christian. I also feel that a true friend will lead you to Christ, not away. A true friend will want to see you go to Heaven and not Hell.

Are you proud to stand up for Jesus? Are you afraid of what people say or think about you? You shouldn’t!  Don’t be afraid to defend why you believe in Christ. Share what he has done for you!

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