The Jesus Metal Explosion by HB – Official Music Video

The Jesus Metal Explosion by HB – Official Music Video

The Jesus Metal Explosion by HB – Official Music Video

This is the official music video for HB. This is The Jesus Metal Explosion. HB is a Heavy Christian Metal Band. This band from what I gather was formed in Finland. I heard about this band from Righteous Rock T.V.

This song came out around 2010. This video is 3:48 in length. HB was founded in 2002 and is from Forssa, Finland. Most of their songs are in Finish, with only a few in English, like this song. From what I read the initials HB doesn’t stand for anything.


Jesus! The name that makes me frantic, I’m in panic. Need I use His name or is there any other way to say it.

I talk at ease with you. The weather’s great, and my work is fine. We can discuss your health and my family. But when it comes to that certain name.

I can’t say Your name. Need You be called Jesus, could I just say God or the supreme power. Even thought I know Your words “I am the way, no one comes tot the Father expect through Me”.

When the Jesus metal explosion hits. I will come to hear and see. My ways, my rights become Your way, Your will, from then on. I can’t be ashamed of Your name. Jesus, You’re so good to me. You calm the storm, now I belong. There’s no dead ends in You. Let Your name be the highest.

So I’m the greatest of warriors! I spread terror with my war face.

I always reprimand sinners. Wonder when did I forget that…

God in me loves, He doesn’t hate. God in me gives, He doesn’t take. God in me is patient. Can I say that He is in me?

If He is not in me, I cannot love you. If I cannot love you, I talk of Him in vain. For my words will be empty for the lack of His changing power.

Salvation is found in one name. For this reason there’s no shame. When the Jesus metal explosion hits.

Lyrics from Jesus Freak Hideout

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