Jesus Is My Rock Jeep

Jesus Is My Rock Jeep – I was in Knoxville, TN on November 13, 2015, going to see my mom and behind me I see a yellow Jeep with Jesus is my Rock on the front windshield. I thought that was really cool. I was like Lord, it would be great if he stopped at my moms apartments.

Jesus is my Rock Jeep – Front


Well, every turn I made this Jeep made. I turn into my moms apartments, he turns into my moms apartments. I pick up my mom and I notice he parked. So I pulled up beside him and talked to him. I introduced myself and asked for permission to feature his Jeep on Courageous Christian Father as a Godly Vehicle. Rev. Bill Pitts told me that I could. He is an evangelist and preaches at the apartment complex. He gave me one of his cards, I gave him one of mine.

Below is a three-quarters angle of Pitt’s Jeep that shows the front and side.

Jesus is my Rock Jeep (Front)
Jesus is my Rock Jeep (Front)

On the front of Pitt’s Jeep it has  “Jesus is my Rock” on the top front window. This caught my attention as it was behind me, because I saw the word “Jesus” then I saw “Rock”. Jesus is our rock! It also got my attention because it was a Jeep and Jeeps like to climb rocks. Even the front has a license plate that says, “He’s Alive!

The hood of the Jeep has a logo of a circle, and a frown face with flames, a symbol of the torment in hell. This logo, icon is on the side of the Jeep on the doors.

Jesus is my Rock Jeep – Side

Below is the side view of Pitt’s Jeep. It is the same on both the drivers side and the passenger side.

Jesus Is My Rock Jeep (Side)
Jesus Is My Rock Jeep (Side)

Starting on the front fender it has The Great Commission written on it.
Then under that, “Are you born again?”
Then “John 3:3″ under that.

Then we get closer to the side door. It has “Repent” on it.
Then it has “Friends don’t let friends go to hell” Which reminds me of this truck that said “Go to Hell
The door area also has “Worm Never Dies”
It also has “Everlasting Torment
It also has “Fiery Furnace
Plus “Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth – Darkness

Plus the side door and back fender area has several Bible verse addresses …

  • Revelation 1:18-2:22
  • 2 Thessalonians 1:9
  • Hebrews 6:8
  • Matthew 5:22
  • Matthew 5:29
  • Matthew 7:13
  • Matthew 13:50
  • Matthew 18:9
  • Matthew 23:33
  • Mark 9:43
  • Mark 9:47
  • Luke 13:3
  • Luke 13:5
  • Luke 16:27
  • Jude 1:7
  • 2 Peter 3:7
  • 2 Peter 2:4

Jesus is my Rock – Back

Below is a picture of what is on the back of Pitt’s Jeep. This is the wheel cover over the back spare tire.

Jesus is my Rock Jeep (Back)
Jesus is my Rock Jeep (Back)

This wheel cover has a quote from Charles Spurgeon.

… Brothers and Sisters, If you love the lord, you must get a passion for soul saving, can’t you see them going down to hell by the thousands …

I would like to thank the Lord for placing this vehicle in my path and it stopping at the same place I did. I would also like to thank Rev. Bill Pitts for allowing me to feature his vehicle on Courageous Christian Father. This is proof God places you where you need to be when you need to to be. This was a blessing to see this Jeep.

I hope this will help other remember about soul winning and the Great Commission that Christ called us to do. Don’t think someone else is going to do it. We must do it. We must share it with all of those around us. It also might serve as a reminder we must repent and we must be born again to be saved.

Gospel Vehicles

Do you use vinyls or vehicle wraps to let your car be a witness for Christ?

Check out Courageous Christian Father’s Wish list on Amazon where you can purchase and this items sent directly to him and they will be used for the ministry.

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6 thoughts on “Jesus Is My Rock Jeep

    1. Alli June Yes, You will have to try to see if you see this Jeep. I was in North Knoxville, just a little north of downtown. Let me say welcome to our state when you come and visit.

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