Is The Peace Sign An Anti-Christian Symbol?

Is The Peace Sign An Anti-Christian Symbol? To know that, we need to learn more about what the peace sign is and isn’t. #PeaceSign

Is The Peace Sign An Anti-Christian Symbol? To know that, we need to learn more about what the peace sign is and isn't. #PeaceSign

Some say the peace sign is an upside-down cross. (upside-down broken Nero Cross, as some call it). Where some believe it is linked to a satanic character or even a Nazi emblem.

Let’s look into this … Shall we?


The Peace symbol can be done by placing two fingers up, similar to the letter “V” in American Sign Language (ASL). It is also the symbol, shown in the image above.

Is The Peace Sign An Anti-Christian Symbol? To know that, we need to learn more about what the peace sign is and isn't. #PeaceSign Share on X

The modern peace sign was designed by Gerald Holtom for the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in 1958.


The Britannica says it was designed for the Nuclear Disarmament in 1958, as shown above quote.

Vertical Line

This is in the center and represents the flag s signal for the letter “D”.

A Semaphore is a system of sending messages by holding the arms or two flags or poles in certain positions according to an alphabetic code.


Downward Lines

This downward lines are on both sides and represent the semaphore for the letter “N”.

Combine the “N” and “D” and you get Nuclear Disarmament.

The Circle

Those semaphores are enclosed by a circle. This circle represented despair.

Central Lines

Those central lines form a human who is holding their hands up as if they were questioning.


The backdrop is that of a white Earth.

Holtom did want to make a the symbol using a Christian Cross, but he did dislike that because of its association with the Crusades.

Today Christians typically use the symbol of a dove for peace.

Did you know peace is part of the Fruit of the Spirit.

So in reality, the peace symbol is nothing satanic or even Nazi related but that to help with the Nuclear Disarmament in 1958. It was widely used in the 1960’s and 1970’s during the Hippie era.

World Day of Peace

World Day of Peace has been observed annually on January 1st since 1968.

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