I saw this cartoon on Facebook and knew I had to share. This is called Inner Light by A Joyful ‘toon by Mike Waters.
Inner Light Cartoon

Jack O’ Lanterns
I don’t like Jack-O’-Lanterns because what they stand for. (Read more about that)
Halloween Alternatives
Check out my blog post Halloween Alternatives for more info on that.
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However, this cartoon uses them to shed some light on pumpkins and Jack-o-lanterns, no pun intended.
One Jack-o-lanterns talks to another. The first one says, “Hey! There’s something different about you what is it?” The second one says, “The carver gave me His light inside! And He can do it for you, too!”.
That is True, Jesus is the light of the World! He is the brightest of all lights. Jesus is the light of the world. He sheds light on those living in darkness, those living in sin. Light reveals and dark conceals. Also the darker the world gets the brighter that light shines. That might be why this one lit pumpkin is so bright, because Halloween is a dark holiday.
Bible Verse Shared on Comic
This comic shares at the bottom of it a Bible Scripture. That verse is from 2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV.
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
While you are at it check out this blog post, The Christian is like a pumpkin analogy.
The Great Pumpkin
Also check out the Great Pumpkin blog post too.
Digging deeper check out this blog post Being a Witness for Christ: Light and Salt.
So let your light shine before men!
Let that light shine bright and let them see Jesus in you.
Comic is ©2007 Michael D. Waters of Joyful ‘toon. – First published October 31, 2014. Last Republished or updated October 21, 2019.
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