This is a very important step for the young men in your life. You might want to remind them they have to register! If you or someone you care about is a young man turning 18, you should know about a simple move that can change his whole future.
I have a daughter that is almost 18, but this press release does remind that there are others with boys that about to turn 18. Girls and women are not required at this time to register, but I am sure it might be a matter of time when everyone will be required to register.
I had to do this when I was 18 and kept up with my address changes with the Selective Service.
An Important Step For Men To Remember
What He Must Do
By law, he must register with the Selective Service System. The same is true for male immigrants, documented or not, between the ages of 18 through 25. Failure to register is a violation of the Military Selective Service Act and may result in imprisonment for up to five years and a fine of $250,000.

While most young men are aware of this and register promptly, within 30 days of their birthdays, those who don’t can find themselves in all sorts of difficulties.
What He Could Forfeit
Registration is required for:
- Federal student loans and grant programs worth billions of dollars altogether
- Federal job training under the Workforce Investment Act
- Federal jobs or security clearance as a contractor
- U.S. citizenship for immigrants
- Driver’s licenses in some places.
Those are all good reasons for friends and relations to urge young men to sign up.
Signing Up Is Simple
To make registering easy, some high schools have a faculty or staff member who serves as a Selective Service registrar.
A Selective Service form may come in the mail and forms are available at U.S. post offices and U.S. embassies and consulates for Americans living abroad.
In addition, he can simply check “Yes” on the Selective Service Box on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. This lets the Department of Education send Selective Service your information.
Some people even send in their registration information as early as age 17 years and 3 months. The Selective Service System keeps the information on file, processes it automatically and sends an acknowledgment card.
Also you must keep up with your address changes to the Selective Services until I believe the age 26.
Perhaps the easiest way is to get the online registration form at
A downloadable form is at
Where To Learn More
For further information, visit
Press Release compliments of Selective Service and NAPSnet.
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