The Importance of Christian and Family-Friendly Media

The Importance Christian Family-Friendly Media

Pure Flix The Importance of Christian and Family-Friendly Media. In a world where the culture is changing quickly before our very eyes, the need for faith-based and family-friendly media has never been more pertinent. Not to mention, Pure Flix Entertainment seeks to fill a void and bring a light into the dark world of modern media. This is accomplished by providing faith- and family-friendly entertainment choices through Pure Flix Theatrical releases and its video on demand streaming service.

The Importance Christian Family-Friendly Media

The Importance of Christian and Family-Friendly Media

[tweetshare tweet=”Multiple studies have shown the overwhelming influence media has on our daily lives. ” username=”ChristianBlogR”]

Multiple studies have shown the overwhelming influence media has on our daily lives. According to recent data in The 2015 MOVIEGUIDE Report to the Entertainment Industry, Americans spend on average 10.5 hours a day interacting with media, often times on two screens at once. Looking at the activities of an average American, it is easy to see that hours spent with media are absorbing the majority of their time during the day. In fact, by the age of 17, the average American will consume around 64,923 hours of media. The reach of media messages can be surmised from the $74 billion advertisers spent on television audiences in 2012 alone.

[tweetshare tweet=”Americans spend on average 10.5 hours a day interacting with media, often times on two screens at once.’ quote=’Americans spend on average 10.5 hours a day interacting with media, often times on two screens at once.” quote=”Americans spend on average 10.5 hours a day interacting with media, often times on two screens at once.’ quote=’Americans spend on average 10.5 hours a day interacting with media, often times on two screens at once.”]

The effect media can have on impressionable minds under the age of 18 is undeniable, and even in programs formerly considered clean or family-friendly, adult content has found its way in. A recent study conducted by the Parent’s Television Council, a non-partisan organization, found that 99 percent of programs depicting or centering around the family, contain adult content. The same study found that 94 percent of those previously mentioned shows contained foul language and 81 percent contained explicit content. What is even more shocking is that one-third of G-rated movies contain explicit content.

[tweetshare tweet=”The effect media can have on impressionable minds under the age of 18 is undeniable, and even in programs formerly considered clean….” quote=”The effect media can have on impressionable minds under the age of 18 is undeniable, and even in programs formerly considered clean….”]

Mass Media Has Shifted


These statistics prove that mass media has shifted from wholesome programming to content that continually pushes the envelop in showcasing mature content.

This is where truly wholesome and Christian programming – such as provided by Pure Flix and Pure Flix Digital – becomes important. Having resources parents can use to make sure their children steer clear of these negative messages is imperative.

[tweetshare tweet=”Resources parents can use to make sure their children steer clear of these negative messages is imperative.” quote=”Resources parents can use to make sure their children steer clear of these negative messages is imperative.”]

Equally as important is media that can positively influence the unchurched. According to a study conducted by Lifeway,  35 percent of Americans who saw a faith-based movie last year were unchurched. For this reason, Pure Flix serves alongside churches nationwide to provide films that share meaningful and uplifting stories as well as supplemental resources and solutions for congregations to use for outreach, church growth, fellowship opportunities, small group ministry and sermon messages.

[tweetshare tweet=”35 percent of Americans who saw a faith-based movie last year were unchurched.” quote=”35 percent of Americans who saw a faith-based movie last year were unchurched.”]

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Importance of Christian & Family-Friendly Media | 12 Core Values | Theatrical Releases | Digital Aspect

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3 thoughts on “The Importance of Christian and Family-Friendly Media

  1. Almost 20 days in since I started my subscription. I have been enjoying all the different types of movies Pure Flix has to offer. There is a lot more than what I thought in the package. I will continue to update as I continue to use. Have you used Pure Flix? What is thoughts about it?

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