Bachelors of Theology

I have been enrolled and working on my Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary. Below is the info on this study, as taken from their catalog. As you may know I would like to work in youth ministry. I would also like to keep up with my blog ministry and work on social media ministry too. The good thing about this degree is that it is an on your own pace. Being a single father with custody that can come in handy. I wanted to finish within 2 years, but that didn’t happen. However, I do know some people can complete it in 2 years or less.

So please keep me in your prayers.  I know my pastor has taken classes here and plans to take more, plus another church member who is now a pastor graduated with his associates from here. (It has been three years now, I am still working on this degree).

Andersonville Theological Seminary (bumper sticker) - I am starting my Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary
Andersonville Theological Seminary (bumper sticker)

About this program


The ThB program is a 120-semester hour program. Students may complete the program at their own rate of progress, with most students completing the program in approximately 1 to 2 years. Plus, the program is very accessible to both full-time and bi-vocational pastors, with every courses being available through Distance Education Formats. The program is presented through lectures on CD MP3 format and is designed for pastors and teachers who desire to understand the theological undergirdings of the Christian faith through study of key doctrines and biblical books. This ThB program is the most popular program for experienced pastors desiring an under-graduate degree through ATS and has an exceptional record of acceptance within the Christian world.

My Courses on CD at Andersonville Theological Seminary
My Courses on CD at Andersonville Theological Seminary


Course of Study

  • Old Testament Survey
  • Survey of Exodus – Grade A
  • Advanced James – Grade A
  • Personal Evangelism- Grade A
  • Systematic Theology
  • New Testament Survey
  • Survey of Hebrews
  • Doctrine of Sin – Grade A
  • Survey of Mark
  • Eschatology Grade B
  • Survey of Leviticus
  • Survey of Joshua
  • Baptist Worship & Theology – Grade A
  • Survey of Luke
  • Life of Paul – Grade A
  • Doctrine of God
  • Homiletics
  • Psalms
  • Life of Christ
  • Apologetics – Grade A

I will also post my grades as well. So come back to check the status of my courses. After I complete this degree, I would like to continue and possibly get my Masters in Theology as well.

Most of the CD’s dubbed from their original cassette tapes. Some are more recent and done to CD.

It has been over 3 years, 2016, and I am still working on it. It is hard work to find time and sit down and work on the degree this way. But, I hope now to start getting them done. It takes a lot of self-discipline.

I hope to try to stay at it now that is has been three years. Keep me in your prayers on this study too.

Do you attend, plan to attend, have attended or graduated from Andersonville Theological Seminary. If so what degree? What did you think about the program?

List of my courses are based on my enrollment into Andersonville Theological Seminary. Classes may change based on enrollments years, etc. First published March 7, 2013. Updated with new grades, Last updated October 3, 2016.

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28 thoughts on “Working on Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary

  1. Congratulations! I ve studying with this Seminary for the past few years, I just completed a Masters in Theology and working in my DCC (Doctor of Christian Counseling). I think this is a great school, youll learn a lot and is very practical. Bless you

  2. Rec’d my D.Min from there and was impressed with much of the material presented. There are some weak courses, but that is not exclusive to Andersonville.
    All in all, the knowledge and confidence in God;s word gained were well worth the time and minimal expense. Andersonville may not be on the level of other seminaries in some areas, but equals or exceeds in others. The school presents a great opportunity to grow in the knowledge of God’s word and I am glad that I attended.

    1. Any schooling, Bible Studies, etc you can do to help you gain knowledge of God and Jesus is worth it. I have enjoyed the classes so far. Thanks for the comment Bob. Praying for your schooling in D.Min. My pastor is working on his Doctrine from Andersonville.

  3. I am currently working on my Bachelor’s in Ministry program. It is a very helpful program, especially for Ministry. It has a lot of practical applications. I do understand that it is not accredited. I did my research before I enrolled. I do not recommend it for everyone. You have to decide what your goals are and then decide what seminary and program are right for you. I have attended an accredited college and can tell you that this is not as difficult as a regular accredited college. However, that does not mean that it is not helpful or that it is useless. If people are expecting to get a degree without putting any work (like a diploma mill), they will be highly disappointed, there is a lot of work that you have to put into this. On the other hand, if you have had an accredited degree and are expecting the same level of education for this amount of money, then you will be highly disappointed too. The education that you get from Andersonville Theological Seminary, in my opinion, is strictly for Ministry work, not so much for academics. Unless you plan to teach at a non-accredited seminary. This by no means is a demeanor on ATS. I respect it very much and that is why I chose it. I am just realistic as to what this is for and why I am personally doing it for. My personal requirements were the following: 1) I wanted a program that was flexible (online or independent study) 2) I wanted an affordable program 3) I wanted a strong curriculum 4) I wanted a seminary whose credits or programs could be accepted at actual accredited seminaries. ATS did fulfill all those 4 requirements for me personally. I had started a Bachelor’s degree from a traditional accredited college but never finished. However, I have always been a great Bible student. Ever since my conversion, I always had a gift for being self taught. Over the years I have acquired a large personal library and have done research on most topics. The reason why I want to pursue a few degrees from ATS is just for Ministry and for me, that’s it. However, since their credits can be transferred and accepted at some other seminaries, I left a door open in case I change my mind and want to go into academics later on. I understand that these degrees are not up to par to let’s say Harvard Divinity School or Princeton Theological Seminary. However, at the present I am not pursuing academics, I am pursuing Ministry work. I don’t personally believe that you need a degree to be a pastor (I am not pursuing being a minister, this is just an example). However, I also believe that seminaries (whether accredited or not) are extremely helpful and whenever possible, we should try to take advantage of them. So, once again. I would not necessarily recommend ATS for everyone, but I do have to say that it is a good choice if you are trying to help in your church and are also trying to get better trained. This school gives you the basic tools you need. However, it is up to us as committed Christians, to continue studying on our own and challenge ourselves to continuing learning every day until we die or until He comes back for us.

  4. I pastor a rural church in Eastern North Carolina. God has called me to spread the Gospel of His precious Son, and to feed the flock of God. Accolade of the world around me is not required. Being acceptable in His sight and being equipped with the truth are the only prerequisites to success in His service. The first is dealt with in my personal relationship with God on a daily basis, and the second I received through training at Andersonville Seminary. Having been called to the ministry in my 50’s Andersonville is a God sent answer to prayer I have a Th B and have just began the Th M program. I look to the approval of Jesus Christ my redeemer at his throne one day. That will out shine them all!!! Phil 3:1-14 Sermon’s over guys. Be Blessed.
    (A Th.D from Harvard U will burn as wood, hay and stubble on that day)

  5. @Steve Patterson My favorite class in this program was survey of Hebrews. My favorite Prof. is Dr. Howard or Dr. Gibson. The most difficult class was Systematic Theology, however it is the heart of the program. I use principles I learned in that class in every point of every sermon I prepare, that is 156 sermons per year. This program teaches you to prepare expository sermons and Dr. Howard is a sword master at it. Learn from him.  May God richly bless your study of His Word..

    In His Service,
    Pastor Chuck

  6. Pastor Chuck I have only completed 3 classes. I do like Dr. Howard, I believe I had Dr. Gibson too. I haven’t done the Theology one yet. I do like how they seem to teach and preach at the same time. I do enjoy it, but work on your own pace takes a lot of self discipline. I do find it hard to do. But, I am a single father with custody of my daughter.

  7. Steve,
    Amen Brother!! It does take a lot of self discipline, but that is an education in itself. It also is an education to study the Prof’s style of preparation as well as the great content. Learning all the time how to keep your message tucked in safely to the scripture. Comparing scripture with scripture not drifting into opinion and conjecture. Outline,outline and outline some more. 

    Those who are critical of the program, seem to be students who have been spoon feed by the classroom environment, and disciplined by deadlines. The best study structure you can develop is the one that produces result for you, and it is the one that will serve you for a lifetime, not just till you are finished with your degree. 

    God Bless you in your study! I’m praying for you to be able to carve out the study time from a demanding schedule. Main thing don’t get discouraged. Talk it over with God He will help you with that.    

    In His Service,
    Pastor Chuck

  8. Pastor Chuck God is the one who gives us the wisdom. He is the one that gives us what is needed to be said to whom he wants said. Education can be a tool to help with the wisdom.

  9. ChristianBlogR Pastor Chuck You are absolutely right!!
    ” Being acceptable in His sight and being equipped with the truth are the only prerequisites to success in His service. The first is dealt with in my personal relationship with God on a daily basis, and the second I received through training at Andersonville Seminary. ” this is a portion of my first post at the top of this page.  This personal relationship with God evolves two dynamics. The first is sanctification. As I confess my sin before Him and repent, he cleanse, forgives and changes me into what he wants me to be. The second is communion through prayer and Holy Spirit illumination of God’s Word He infuses us with His wisdom, His message, and His Love. We become the overflowing cup, a transporting mechanism as it were, for His message to the congregation.
        In most of the blogs and post that I see on the internet this subject of being a fit vessel for God to work is ignored in place of academics and accreditation. My point is that these things do not communicate the Word of God. 
       Self-discipline is a fruit of the Spirit listed for us in Gal 5:23 (KJV” temperance”)  A structured study and memorization of God’s Word will be an exercise of this fruit of the Spirit that will yield fruit in all the other areas mentioned in v22&23. 
       ATS curriculum does the best job of preparing a fertile heart for the man of God to grow, but where you don’t hoe the garden only weeds will grow. Homiletic class talks about this in detail. Education alone will leave us empty, and the lack of it will leave us unprepared.
       Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. 2 Tim 2:15
       You have good insight, hone it in study and memorization
    Thanks for the respond. Keep it up you’re doing great!!!

    In His service,
    Pastor Chuck

  10. Hey Steve!

    Glad ATS worked so well for you! I just wanted to also let you know of a similar ministry NES offers free seminary level education to called students. Thought you and your readers may be interested!

  11. ChristianBlogR Hi Steve.  My name is Ramil, a pastor here in Vancouver, Canada.  How’s your Th B at Andersonville? Have you finished it?
    Can you email me at  I’m also enrolled there now.
    God bless..

  12. I am currently two courses away from completing my ThB. ATS is a great school. It has been a tremendous blessing to me personally and my ministry.
    And, I have investigated the transfer possibilities to other accredited seminaries. Schools such as Luther Rice and a few others accept ATS degrees.
    Liberty used to, but at present does not. Virginia Union also accepts ATS degrees. Looking forward to graduation soon…!!!
    I encourage all others in the ATS programs to stay at it, cause it’s worth it and God approves your study and diligence.

    1. I am currently looking at ATS to complete my M.Div I was caught up in the “prestige” of other larger schools, but I am already on staff at a great church as a teaching pastor, Walnut Ridge Baptist Church in Mansfield, TX.
      So, now I just want to complete what I started years ago and let God get the glory. I need a program that is self paced but rigorous that will help me dive in deeper to God’s Word. ATS seems to fit that bill.

  13. Thank you so much. I started at Tyndale Theological Seminary years ago and never got a chance to finish due to just plain old life. LOL. I just completed the spring 2016 semester at Southwestern but it was stressful trying to make sure I finished everything by the deadlines. So ATS here I come.

  14. I have just completed the final course in this same program. I have attended “regular” college before, as well as college back before it was on line. Back in the 80’s it was all US mail! I can tell you all of it is what you put into it. Even in a resident college you can figure out what it takes to pass a course instead of actually learning. Andersonville is a great school. I just finished checking with Luther Rice (3/5/17) to see if they accept degrees from Andersonville, and the answer was yes. The idea seems to be at Luther Rice, they will admit you into a Master’s program with an Andersonville degree. If you put in the work, you can pass their Master’s program.

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