How To Tell If You Are In the Lions Den

How To Tell If You Are In the Lions Den. Well there could be two possible ways to know if you are in the lions den. One the lions mouths are shut and the other the lions mouths are not shut.

How To Tell If You Are In the Lions Den

That all depends on if you are saved or not saved. We can use the example of Daniel and the Lions Den from the Bible.

How To Tell If You Are In the Lions Den

What is a Lions Den?


One definition from Merriam-Webster, states a place or state of extreme disadvantage, antagonism, or hostility.

However, a lions den is a place where a group of lions dwell.

Daniel as an Example

Having faith in God, Daniel trusted God no matter what. He also knew God would be with him no matter what. Daniel was tossed in the lions den because these accusers were jealous of Daniel. They made the king make a decree they knew Daniel wouldn’t obey. That was to only worship the king. Daniel still choose to pray to God and was seen by his window.

Daniel was cast into the sealed den. It may have been a type of closure, similar to one you may see at a zoo. God saw Daniel through. He sealed the mouths of the lions and he wasn’t harmed. Daniel had faith. He trusted in God. His trust and being protected caused King Darius to be saved.

Those of us that are saved, we are protected from the devouring lions in the lions den. God is our shelter. This also shows the protection God gives us. Remember one day the lion will lay down with the lamb again.

The Accusers as an Example

However, the accusers didn’t have faith or trusted God. Plus, the accusers falsely tricked the king and tried to kill Daniel. The king had the accusers and their whole family tossed in the lions den.  The accusers represented the enemy, Satan. Satan will try to make us look bad no matter what.

When the accusers were tossed into the same lions den that Daniel was, they were devoured right away. God opened the mouths of the lions. He destroyed them. God is the one that gets vengeance, not us. One day the lost, those not saved, hasn’t accepted Christ, will face God and will be punished.

1 Peter 5:8

Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

Which are you?

I hope and pray that you are saved so the lions mouth will be shut. That doesn’t mean we won’t be attacked. Being a Christian isn’t pie in the sky. We will all face trials. The difference between a saved and unsaved person is that God is with us and will protect us. Sometimes those situations are to lead others to Christ, like with King Darius. Other times, the trial can to help grow us closer to God.

We all will face judgement day. However, the lost will be sent punished in hell, Lake of Fire along with Satan. The fate of the lost is much wore than being devoured by lions, but tournament by fire for eternity. A punishment! This will be eternal separation from God.

While the saved, will be in glory with Christ for eternity. A glorified new body! We will spend eternity with our Lord, Savior, Jesus and our Heavenly Father, God.

Read more

Read more about Daniel and the Lions Den in Daniel 6.

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