How to attend Church Online – Here are six steps on attending your church online. More steps or tips will be available too. #OnlineChurch
How to attend Church Online
1. Get out of bed and get dressed
It will put you in the right mindset for worship.

2. Go through your normal Sunday Routine
minus the “hurry up, we’re late” part.
3. Gather together as a family
no multitasking; worship is a family activity.
4. Stream to your largest screen if possible
it will feel like you are really “there”
5. Sing Along Loud and Proud
it may feel weird, but it also feels weird to the people leading worship in an empty room
6. Preach with the Preacher
Say amen, clap, shout and take notes; have a time of prayer at the end; make your home a sanctuary
Used from a meme going around on Facebook. Special thanks to whom ever created this meme.
7. Give your offering
Here is one that should have been added. Still give your offering. Some churches offer online giving. Take advantage of that and use it. If you cannot give online, mail a check or money order.
Any more to add?
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