How did Wednesday Night Services come into play in church

How did Wednesday night services come into play in church - Wednesday services are very popular for Prayer Meetings and Children's Ministries but how did it gets it start.

How did Wednesday night services come into play in church – Wednesday services are very popular for Prayer Meetings and Children’s Ministries but how did it gets it start.

It is believed it happened during the twenty century, a time period from January 1, 1901 to December 31, 2000.

How did Wednesday night services come into play in church - Wednesday services are very popular for Prayer Meetings and Children's Ministries but how did it gets it start.

Some people believed this day was added when slaves in the U.S. would gather for encouragement and prayer. I even saw some from D.L. Moody, who had noon prayer meetings during the weeks of revival. Others state, it is simply a midweek service.

We are told not to neglect assembly with fellow believers. This day could have been picked so, it gives many other chances for others to assemble in church. (Hebrews 10:25)

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