How Christian Blogging Can Get You Blacklisted – I am going to share how you can get blacklisted by having a Christian Blog. #ChristianBlog
How Christian Blogging Can Get You Blacklisted

That’s right blacklisted, meaning you cannot post or share content. Sadly, just having a Christian Blog can get you blacklisted in many social media sites. A lot of them, do ban certain types of Christian post.
I even had an experience where I couldn’t use their free Wi-Fi to work on this Christian Blog, it was banned as religious content, against their TOS for their Wi-Fi. So that is a form of blacklisting too. Learn more
Don’t be discouraged, it happens a lot just having a genre of a Christian Blog. The thing you just need to do is Just Keep Blogging! Keep sharing! If it gets banned, than just keep going! Try and Try again!
So that is the simplest answer I know of, it is just because of the genre, topic of Christianity. Remember, Jesus was also banned! That didn’t stop Him! Even many of the Apostles and Disciples got banned and still kept on proclaiming! I also reminded of the Hebrew Children and the Fiery Furnace.
I Used Portent’s Content Idea Generator. To Generate a topic for this blog post. Maybe you have a topic you want to use, this generator, will generate random headlines for possible use.
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If you are out and about and have to use public wifi, or a open connection at a business, be sure to be connecting through a VPN.
It is so sad but Jesus said marvel not that the world hate you, it is me they hate first. Ignorance is a wicked thing, well it is their loss. The time will come when there is going to be a great famine. People will be hungry for what they have been rejecting that that is the word of God
Well we have to be firm in the word of God and endure hardship as good solider. You were there peaceful at that moment you have the word of life in you to be a blessing to someone but there was only rejection standing before you. Thank God Jesus is our example and He teaches us how to deal with situations like these, God bless you continue blogging for Jesus Christ.
True, the world first hated Him, so they will also hate us. But, those blocking etc., will have to answer to that. But, all we can do is be obedient and still proclaim the Good News. Thanks for the comment and I will continue to blog until I am called home to Heaven. Have a great day.