How Bibles are making the World a Better Place – I share a blog post about the Bible and making the world a better place. #Bible
How Bibles are making the World a Better Place

Bibles are making the world a better place because the word of God is getting out. The Bible is available in many many languages now thanks to the Gideons International and in many different countries reaching around the world because of them. Not to mention, the Internet is full of God’s word and Bible Translations too. Like with Bible Gateway and YouVersion.
I think because of the access of the Bible into other countries and the translations into other languages help to make the world a better place. Because the Bible is God’s Word! It tells us how we can be Saved through God’s Son Jesus Christ!

How can be an intimidating word. Try the old trick. “In What Ways Might We …”
In what ways might we spread God’s Word? Well share Bible verses on your blog, social media, emails, letters, bills, etc. We can get God’s Word out in other ways. You could use these ideas from gospel tracts.
Literally anything can make the world better. Chocolate? Done. Motor oil? You got it.
Well chocolate is a great thing to eat and enjoy, unless you are allergic to it. Yes, some people are allergic to chocolate. So I don’t think chocolate has made the world better.
Motor oil has helped the world, but maybe not made it better. There are side effects to motor oil, such as pollution and more. So in that case, it truly hasn’t.
I would say only God’s Word, the Bible, has made the World Better, because it offers the Way to Heaven through Jesus Christ.
Break out of your routines with a global perspective. How does Iceland benefit?
Iceland can benefit from Bibles because it can bring God’s Word to that country thus saving many people in that country. Icelandic is the language spoken there.
The New Testament was the first book printed in Icelandic. It was translated by Oddur Gottskálksson (whose father was Norwegian) and published in 1540. The first complete Bible in Icelandic, the Guðbrandsbiblía, was published in 1584 thanks to Guðbrandur Þorláksson, a Protestant bishop at Hólar.
Let’s look at John 3:16, a well-known Bible Verse to us. Here is what it looks like in the Icelandic version. I also included verse 17.
16 Því svo elskaði Guð heiminn, að hann gaf son sinn eingetinn, til þess að hver sem á hann trúir glatist ekki, heldur hafi eilíft líf.
17 Guð sendi ekki soninn í heiminn til að dæma heiminn, heldur að heimurinn skyldi frelsast fyrir hann.
Jóhannesarguðspjall 3:16-17 Icelandic Bible (ICELAND)
Save the World with one mouse click
This generator idea has come in handy for this blog post and the heading areas. You can save the world with one mouse click and visit Online Bibles. If you need to read the Bible in Icelandic, here is the link.
But of course, you can read it Online in English too, like I mentioned above using …
- Bible Gateway
- YouVersion
- There are others too
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