How a sequester is affecting small groups – Being isolated, sequestered, quarantined, etc. can affect your small group. #SmallGroups
How a sequester is affecting small groups

Small Groups are just like Sunday School classes, but often meet in one of the the homes of the members. Usually they may gather, eat a meal together and do a Bible Lesson.
Right now due to the COVID-19 Cornavirus, small groups are having to meet other ways since we cannot meet physically due to limits of physical distancing. I like that wording better than social distancing.
Being sequestered is form of isolation and distancing. Because of this many places were a meeting is need is resorting to video conferencing and using such programs as Zoom.
The Video conferencing meeting is not the same as physical meeting but it is an alternative to be able to still see each other and communicate with each other all together.
I know if you are like me, you are ready for this to get over so we can physically meet again. The fellowship is much different via video than in person.
It does affect small groups because of the distancing as it is not the same meeting in person. It can affect us mentally, physically and spiritually. Because of that, we still need to remember that God is with us even though we are apart.
We still can be there for each other even in times of physical distancing. We can still help each other out. Check on each other and be there for the other, just the means of how has changed for us.
Let’s take this time to make the most out of the way we are having to gather. After all we don’t need a building to worship and be the Church, we are the Church!
I talked about the small group changes above, let’s see if I can do the generator part of that in this blog post.

Remember the Governator? Is this like a bad sequel?
I wouldn’t have any clue, because I have never seen the Governator. So I cannot compare the sequestering of small groups to the Governator.
Make It Stop
Yes! We ALL want to make the sequester stop! We want to go back to normal! Well, at least a new normal. I don’t think everything will go back totally as it was. We will have a new way of normal coming out of this I am sure.
Teach your readers something new
I am not sure what new to teach you. After all something new to me, may be something you already know. So what is something new I can teach you, my readers? Feel free to share in the comments below.
I Miss the West Wing
I honestly can say I do not miss the West Wing. I actually have never seen the show the West Wing. The Portent’s Content Idea Generator, can come up with a good headers that you can go off of yourself. But the suggestions to each part of the sentence, may be odd.
Maybe those parts are to help you with SEO as you are doing analogies also to describe your topic. I guess time will tell on how it does.
What do you think?
Feel free to share how you think being sequestered from small groups has changed how a small group may meet. Feel free to share in the comments below.
I Used Portent’s Content Idea Generator. To Generate a topic for this blog post. Maybe you have a topic you want to use, this generator, will generate random headlines for possible use.
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