Honk if you love Jesus, text while driving if you’d like to meet Him – Comic

Honk if you love Jesus, text while driving if you’d like to meet Him – Comic
Here is a comic that goes with Eyes on the Road post that is in the Road Signs of the Bible Series. This comic has a family in it, a husband and wife. The wife tells the husband “Honk if you love Jesus, text while driving if you’d like to meet Him.”
[tweetshare tweet=”Honk if you love Jesus, text while driving if you’d like to meet Him – Comic #StoptheText” username=”ChristianBlogR”]
This is so true, today people pay more attention to their phones than the anything else around them, including the road. Texting and driving is very dangerous and can lead to you losing your life, those in your car with you losing their lives or others around you losing their lives, just because you had your eyes glued to your phone.
This also goes to the bumper stickers we often see, honk if you love Jesus. So honk all you want, but keep your eyes on the road and not in your phone as you are driving. That message or phone call can wait. If you have someone else in the car, allow them to be the one that responds to your text and calls for you.
This comic has Reynolds on the bottom corner.
Check out this blog post:
Put your cell phone away and keep your hands on the wheel
Pound X (#X)
Safety on the Road
Eyes on the Road
Last updated January 27, 2017 #StoptheText
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