Hide-N-Go Seek

Hide-N-Go Seek – a game we use to play when we were a child, sometimes you could find the people hiding sometimes you couldn’t. But, God can always find us!

Hide-N-Go Seek

Hide-N-Go Seek - a game we use to play when we were a child, sometimes you could find the people hiding sometimes you couldn't. But, God can always find us!
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Another name for this game is Fox and Hounds, what we called it in the Scouts. The foxes go off to hide, while the hounds try to find the foxes. Sometimes you could be found, other times you couldn’t. This one was played in the woods.

Other Names used

  • Fox and Hounds
  • Hide and Go Seek
  • Hide and Seek
  • What did you call the hiding game? Feel free to share in the comments below.

One thing is for sure, we cannot hide from God. God knows where we are. That is because He is omnipresent (everywhere) and omniscience (all knowing).

Adam & Eve Example

That means we cannot hide from God, nor can we run from God. Look at Adam & Eve, they tried to hide themselves, but God knew where they were.

Plagues of Egypt Example

Even in the plagues of Egypt, God knew where His people were and were those that were not His people were. The plagues occurred only those who were not His people.

Jonah Example

The same with Jonah, he tried to run and hide from God, but God knew where he was.

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