Hidden Message in Genesis

Is there a Hidden Message in Genesis?  I recently saw a video online about a hidden message in Genesis. It uses Genesis 5 the lineage from Adam to Noah and taking all the father’s name to spell out a sentence. God laid out his plan. This video is by Chuck Missler. I believe done around the year 2000. See Genesis 5:1-32

Hidden Message in Genesis

This is genealogy is referring to that from Adam to Noah but will lead up to Jesus Christ.

Missler said that most Lexicons, Study Bibles and Footbotes in Bibles will tell you what each name means in them. Strong’s Concordance uses the Lexicons of the Hebrew and Greek words in the Bible.

Back in Bible times your name was given to you based on your traits or personality and other times by God based on those same things. Sometimes it was changed, we see that name change from Saul to Paul.

Below is the hidden message meaning of the names that Wisser had in his video. You can click the link in the sources if you want to watch that video. I do know that all things lead and point to Christ including everything in the Old Testament it points to Christ.

Hidden Message – Meaning of Names

  1. Adam [ä·däm’] (Man)
  2. Seth [shāth] (Appointed)
  3. Enos [en·ōhsh’ ] (Mortal)
  4. Cainan [kā·nän’] (Sorrow)
  5. Mahalalel [mah·hal·al·āl’] (The Blessed God)
  6. Jared [yeh’·red] (Shall Come Down)
  7. Enoch [khan·ōke’] (Teaching)
  8. Methuselah [mets·il·lä’] (His Death Shall Bring)
  9. Lamech [leh’·mek] (Despairing)
  10. Noah [nō’·akh] (Rest or Comfort)

Hidden Message – The Sentence

If we break the meaning of the names into a sentence like Missler did, he gave us this sentence from the above meanings of names.

Man (has) Appointed Mortal Sorrow; (but) The Blessed God Shall Come Down Teaching, (and) His Death Shall Bring Despairing Comfort.

This hidden message Missler states does sound good and makes sense. Sure enough can be believed as well. That is why I wanted to look into it myself and actually look at the Lexicons.

Hidden Message – My Looking Into It

I wanted to look into this to see if this is real or not. We are told to verify things we are told for ourselves for sound doctrine. Let’s see if there is any sound truth to this. The H in front denotes Hebrew. G would be Greek. Since we are talking about Old Testament names, these names all will be Hebrew. Greek language came in the New Testament.

If you click on the Lexicon it will take you to that Lexicon by Blue Letter Bible, so you all can see the Lexicon. Some of you might not have a Strong’s. I was blessed and given one.

  1. Adam (אדם) – Man –  #H120 According to Strong’s and Blue Letter Bible they both agree this means man. This one is the same as Missler stated above.
  2. Seth (שׁת) – Compensation – Strong’s says Determined or Granted & Blue Letter Bible Says compensation –  #H8352 If you look at #H7896 It means to appoint or lay hands on, so it can mean Anoint. An Anointed one could be an appointed one.
    So this one is a little different than Missler stated. Even Luke 3:38 states Seth means Compensation. See #G4589 Σήθ So this one is different than what Missler stated above!
  3. Enos (אֱנוֹשׁ) – Man#H583 – This one means man, but if you go to #H582, it can mean mortal man. But #H82 was not used in Genesis 5:6-7, it was #H583 which simple states man not mortal man. But according to Luke 3:38 #G1800 Ἐνώς In Luke he is mortal man which is how I believe Missler got Mortal Man for his.
  4. Cainan (קֵינָן) – Possession#H7018 So here Missler said Sorrow, but it actually means Possession. In Luke 3:36-37 it says Cainan means “their smith” a worker of iron or metal. My study Bible says it may mean metalworker.  #G2536. Καϊνάν So this one is different than what Missler stated above!
  5. Mahalalel or Mahalaleel (מַהֲלַלְאֵל) – Praise of God#H4111 – Yet again, another one Missler said it meant something different he said Blessed God. This is from two strong words to make the one. Praise #H4110 & God #H410 So Praise of God put together. My study Bible says this means one who praises God. So this one is different than what Missler stated above!
  6. Jared or Jered (יֶרֶד)  – Descent – #H3382 –  Missler said He Shall Come Down, Strong’s & Blue Bible Letter says Descent. Shall Come Down gives an idea of a descent.  So this one is similar in nature of what Missler stated above!
  7. Enoch (חנוך) – Follower or Dedicated – Strong’s it means Follower and Blue Letter Bible it means Dedicated – #H2585 Missler here said Teaching. So another one that Missler said was different as a teacher is more of a leader and not a follower. Even in Luke 3:37; Hebrews 11:5 and Jude 1:14 Enoch meant follower or dedicated. Ἐνώχ See #G1802 My study Bible says this means dedication. These are two different meanings teaching and follower are opposites in meaning.
  8. Methuselah (מְצִלָּה) – Bell#H4698 – Bell a tinkler, a device to make noise. They used a tinkler to put to horses or camels. Missler said His Death Shall Bring. I am not sure how a bell and his death shall bring relate. My Study Bible says this name may mean Man of Spear of Man of Shelah. So this one is different than what Missler stated above!
  9. Lamech (לֶמֶךְ) – Powerful#H3929 – This means powerful and Missler said despairing. Totally opposites again. But in Luke 3:36 #G2984 It means to bring low which could mean despairing. The Hebrew name meant one thing while the Greek name meant another. Missler seemed to use the Greek name.
  10. Noah (נֹח)  – Rest#H5146  So here he does have the same thing. Even another form of Noah used meant motion. #H5270 The New Testement used Noah too, Νῶε #G3575 Where Noah also meant rest. This one is the same as Missler stated above.

As when I looked into this it means something different for each name. This is why it is important not to run with the first thing you hear about something. Study and look it up for yourself.

Hidden Message – My Looking Into It

Can we use the above to make a sentence like Missler did with the correct info?

Man Compensation Man Possession Praise of God Descent Follower/Dedicated Bell Powerful Rest

I don’t think we really can, it is not coherent. I am not sure how MIssler got different meanings of the names from what I did looking into the Lexicons. But I wanted to share what I found.

If anyone can show me where my findings may be wrong, please do so. Please show proof like the Lexicon and such.


I know the Koinonia House link for how they got the names doesn’t give proof of where they came up with the names. So that is why I wanted to dig into finding the Lexicons and what they actually meant.

This blog post could be updated with new findings.


Bible Study Times
YouTube Video by Missler
Koinonia House
•The Strongest Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible – 21st Century Edition.
Blue Letter Bible
•The Holman Study Bible NKJV Edition

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4 thoughts on “Hidden Message in Genesis?

  1. There are many people who try to make out there are “secret messages” in the Bible…all claiming to have the truth..all claiming this and that. ANYONE can make up a code or message using the Bible…..to get people to focus on that instead of the uncomfortable truths in the Bible that they do not want to hear or see..let alone do….It’s just another of satans games…….God makes sure we are told what we need to know and do in this life and some of the same in the next life….people need to be careful of playing into satans hands.

  2. Hey Steve and company,
    I am actually in the middle of doing this study as well, and though I have found some disparities, but there is actually a much greater level of accuracy than you have portrayed above. The major problem with using Strong’s as your primary source in determining the meaning of each of these words is the fact that they are all proper nouns, which means that their meanings are more easily derived by the context of the root words or the sub-roots of the words. In ancient languages, the sub-roots were used almost like hieroglyphics depicting meaning just through a two or three letter symbol. This is why a in depth research of Methuselah (which Strongs actually translates as “Man of the Spear” not a bell….) can be interpreted as Man of the Spear, or as “Death and let fall” or “At his death [something] was sent”. You see, the proper spelling of Methuselah is Mĕthuwshelach. In many cases, we can take the vowels our because they didn’t have those in Hebrew writing which means we have Mthwshlch. The Mth was the word for “Man”, but was also used in the context of a group of men set aside for death. Not that Dm (Adam) would have been a more proper root for a singular man if that argument were to be made. The w or uvu could have been used in front of the word, or in the middle, to denote “and” or a combining of idea. Then the Shl was the same sub-root was used to describe the act of “letting something fall” as it was used with the sheaves and Ruth. When Ch is added to something it emphasises the idea of “with a purpose” so “Letting something fall” could be changed to “thrusting out with a purpose”. Which we where they got the combined interpretation of “spear”.

    Now, that being said there are still some questionable liberties that was taken. Lamech is probably the most apparent, seeing that he relates it to a English / Latin root… but without context Strong’s is taking a pretty big leap by labeling it “Power” seeing that it doesn’t have any identifiable root, and that there is no description of its meaning in the Biblical text.

    What I find interesting actually though it that with a more specific study of the names the meaning actually seems more direct to me…
    Adam = Man, Seth = Appointed (found in the contextual usage by Eve), Enosh (Meaning frail, or miserable from the root meaning an incurable sickness or wickedness) and then Kenan which, as you stated, means possession.

    So our start is Man was Appointed an Miserable (or Incurable Wickedness as a) Possession.
    Then we find… The One Praising God (Mahalaleel) shall Descend or Come Down (Jared, fairly similar meanings), Dedicating (or more properly stated Initiating or Commencing (Enoch)) through Death Shall Come or Shall be Thrust Upon Us (Methuselah) a Powerful (Lamech) Rest or Comfort (Noah)

    It actually sounds more reliable if you ask me…
    After the fall of Adam man was born with an incurable sin nature. His only true possession was death, because the wages of sin are death.
    Then, Jesus (the one who regularly praised God, and was all well pleased and blessed by God) came down to dedicate or initiate us through his death into a powerful rest and calm.

    Jesus’ willingness to die for us made available to us the holy spirit which provides us peace that passes understanding. Though I have to admit I wasn’t extremely convinced prior to my study, the more I’ve looked into it, the more convinced I am of its accuracy.

    Also, I know that this is a year late, but better late than never!

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