Mr. Steve at Hen Wallow Falls

Jerry one of other youth leaders at Piedmont Baptist Church, planned for the youth to go to Hen Wallow Falls in Cosby, TN. We took the youth on June 14, 2014.

Mr. Steve at Hen Wallow Falls
Mr. Steve at Hen Wallow Falls
Photo Credit: Abbi, one of the youth from Piedmont Baptist Church

From the base to the falls is 2.1 miles. It’s a moderate hike according to other sites, however I think it’s a little bit more than moderate if you’re not custom the hiking. But I enjoy hiking myself but its been awhile since I’ve been hiking. But, there are a lot of steep inclines to hike. Hen Wallow Falls is on the Gabes Mountain Trail. It is also part of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park (GSMNP).

The Hike takes you through hemlock and rhododendron. The falls is 2 feet wide at the top and fans out to 20 feet wide at the base and is 90 feet tall. They also say you can find salamanders toward the base of the falls if you look close enough. In the winter the falls can freeze into beautiful icy masterpiece.2

While you’re on the hike you can incorporate a Bible study. Maybe the best place to do it is at the Falls where you can probably sit down on the rocks maybe. Maybe you can do a creation story or whatever else you feel led that God wants you to share. While you are at the falls you can all enjoy a lunch or a snack. A great place to rest and soak up the beauty of God.

Maybe you can take a timeout and pray. It would be a pretty place to pray in God’s nature. Although we don’t have to go anywhere special to pray we can pray where we are. What better place then in nature to praise God, pray to God and worship Him?

Also please use caution around the rocks and supervise your children at the rocks. They can be dangerous and slippery. Algae and wet rocks can cause you to slip and injure yourself or worse.

A Good Bible verse about waterfalls is found in Psalm 42:7.

Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me.1

Have you been to Hen Wallow Falls? If so tell me about your experience. What other Waterfalls have you visited along the Smoky Mountains or other locations, please share where you have gone.


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