I just received a notification on my phone from the Weather Channel. It said the heat index would reach around 105 degrees. And of course, my mind goes to the deeds at hand. Discing up a field for deer season and gathering firewood for the winter. I like to disc my field at least twice in order to ensure the old plot is dead before I plant new seed at the end of August. Yes, August. Yes, the hottest month of the year. Also, I go through about 5 ricks of wood each year to supplement my heat. It’s not a lot of wood, but I try to save money and cut it and split it myself, instead of buying it. Again, this needs to be done before winter and, for me, not during deer season. So, it starts now. I am reminded of what I heard once from someone who lives in Alaska. He said, we are either having winter or preparing for winter. I can only imagine his dilemma.

No one could ever doubt or debate the truth that you don’t reap in the same season as you sow. Not only is it written in scripture, it is proved in agriculture. The difference is, in scripture it is applied to the things in our life. What I put (sow) in my life now, will show up (reaped) later. The point is, if you want good results later, start now, before it’s too late. We are so bad at this. We only see the here and now. And when the here and now looks good, why mess it up or why be concerned about the future. We surmise if the future looks like the present, we are in good shape. What we fail to realize is the future is not necessarily uncertain. Many times, it is shaped by us, right now. It is determined by what I sow now. The produce of the future is growing according to the seed I’m planting right now. So, what am I planting? Or what should I be planting. Or what does the scriptures tell us to plant? Well, the apostle Paul told his readers to sow according to what pleases the Spirit. And then he said this. “So, let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone.” Once again, Paul reminds us that our future good is determined by the good we bring to the lives of others. He is reiterating Jesus’ own, final commandment, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Now, go and sow some good seed. Your future depends on it.

Gary Miller
Gary has three books that are compilations of the articles he has written for nearly 15 years. He also speaks at game dinners and men’s groups for churches and associations.
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DISCLAIMER: The views, beliefs and opinions expressed in this article, Outdoor Truths, are those of Gary Miller and do not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs or opinions of Courageous Christian Father. Outdoor Truth’s is a syndicated article published in various newspaper and online sources and has been used on Courageous Christian Father with permission from Gary Miller. #OutdoorTruths
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