
Happy Gotcha Day, Ms. Heather – The day seems fresh, like new poured cat litter.

Happy Gotcha Day, Ms. Heather


I remember the nice man scooping me up from my my brother and sister. He mumbled something, and placed me inside of a tan box. I had a feeling that I would never see my sister or brother cats again.

The nice man placed me inside of a big thing with wheels. I heard music. It seemed we were in there for days.

Then the rocking stopped altogether. The nice man picked up the box, and spoke soft to me. And then I saw her.

She was standing, smiling. And she smelled like happiness. She reached in the box, and I was afraid. After all, hoomans hadn’t been all too nice to me so far. Her hooman paws scooped me up and held me against her. I don’t know how I knew, but I could tell she was a mommy.

20170623_173235-6876952 (our first meowfie – 2017)

She placed me in her car wheeled thing. The rocking didn’t take long. She got out of the wheeled thing, and then came back.

The wheeled thing took us back to her den, and she carried me inside. I liked her smell.

She placed something around my neck, and I heard a jingle-jingle. Every time I moved, I heard it! Then she scooped me up, and closed her eyes speaking very softly. Wait.. she was.. praying?? She was talking to ABBA. Even though I was just a little one, I knew about ABBA. HE created all things, like me. And that meant.. ABBA had created her.

The girl hooman placed food and water in bowls, and sat watching me. I ate a bit, and went back over to her. She scooped me up again, and that was when she said it for the first time: “Joel The Brave”. I would come to learn that that was what my hooman name is. And I would learn hers, Ms. Heather.

Night time came, and she carried me into a different room. There were soft pieces and Ms Heather laid down. She had no litter mates, and now that I didn’t either .. I knew then. I had to take care of her. She was my hooman. I nestled against her, though she didn’t have  fur other than the long fur on top.

That was the day I got Ms. Heather.

She and I, we have been through a lot together. I have watched her cry. I have watched her bring into our den a boy hooman, who I now call my Dadda: Mr. Steve. We took lots of rides in wheeled things, and then a big wheeled thing brought me to my new den, that I share with Ms Heather, Mr. Steve, and my new sissy cat, Lilly Bug.

I thank ABBA for bringing her to me.

Happy Gotcha Day, Ms. Heather.

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