Father's Day

I would like to take this time to wish all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day. Father’s Day, celebrated the third Sunday of June each year in America. (See below a list of future Father’s Day dates) #FathersDay

Happy Father’s Day


I would also like to wish all the single moms raising their kids by themselves a very Happy Father’s Day as well because they are both mom and dad. It sure is a tough job being both parents I should know because I’m was a dad who also served the mom role raising my daughter myself. I have raised my child who is now an Adult Child.

Father's Day

Even Co-parenting, where both parents have custody and live part of the time with one parent, and the other time with the other, is hard too, but with God all things are possible.

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s day also to those people raising children that is not theirs. Grand Parents, Uncles, Aunts, Friends, Cousins, Foster, Step etc. Plus to ALL of the men serving our country and cannot be with her children or family. With that we salute you, Sir! We also thank you for your service to our country and the great sacrifice you do to protect our freedoms. God bless you, watch over you and keep you safe.

Brief History of Father’s Day

Sonora Smart Dodd started the idea of Father’s Day in Spokane, Washington from listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909.  Dobb’s wanted to make a special day for her father, William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran.

Sonora wanted to recognize her father for his specialness and the role he played in her life.  She wanted to honor her father’s sacrifices, selflessness, and love he showed for his children. (SupportForStepDads.com)

The first Father’s Day, celebrated June 19, 1910. Father’s Day was first taken like a joke. Today no one is joking about y for dads, but dads do like to have bad “Dad Jokes!”

Various presidents brought up this holiday in 1972 when Richard Nixon made it official and celebrated the third Sunday in June of each year.

Read more about the history at SupportForStepDads.com

Present Date

  • June 16, 2024

Future Dates

  1. June 15, 2025
  2. June 21, 2026
  3. June 20, 2027
  4. June 18, 2028

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Acronym for Father


Did you knowin Australia it is celebrated on the first Sunday of September?

Dad’s Are Awesome!


#FathersDay #DadsAreAwesome #Father #Dad #Daddy #DADness
First Published on Father’s Day 2012, Republished with Additions Each Year on Father’s Day. Last Republished on June 17, 2014.

Joyeux Fête des Pères! 

Celebrate Dad  - Father's Day - Dad and Father related blog posts

Father Related Blog Posts

Below is a list of Father and Dad Related blog posts to read. Be sure to check out ALL of them! You can also use search.

  1. A Father’s Glory by Skit Guys
  2. A-Z of Father’s Day
  3. Acronym for Father Printable
  4. At Age – Dad …
  5. Baby Gives Daddy A Surprise during Photoshoot
  6. Best Father’s Day Gifts, The
  7. Celebrating Father’s Day: Honoring Dads and Their Crafting Skills
  8. Dad’s uses for duct tape
  9. Dad sayings in situations
  10. Embracing the Fatherhood of God
  11. Father Knows Best Church Sign
  12. Father-in-law Day
  13. Father’s Day Candy Bar Greeting Card
  14. Father’s Day Finger Puzzle Printable
  15. Fatherhood – What’s it like being a Dad
  16. Fathers: Old TV Show Dads
  17. Fathers Prayer of the Day
  18. Forgive Mom & Dad Day
  19. Free Grub For Dad on Father’s Day
  20. God the Father
  21. Happy Father’s Day
  22. March DADness
  23. Names for Dad Printable
  24. National Father-Daughter Take A Walk Together Day
  25. Outdoor Truths – Father’s Day
  26. Satan You Are The Father
  27. Stuff Dads Never Say
  28. Success A Father’s Desire | Outdoor Truths
  29. Unchanging Love of Our Heavenly Father
  30. Unique ways to honor Dad this Father’s Day
  31. What Dads Can’t Do
  32. What if the Prodigal Son & Father had Facebook

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5 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day

  1. I hope I will forgive mine some day, I thought he was dead only to find out he is still alive a few months ago. I thank my heavenly father for being present all along though.

  2. Here’s a dad joke to all of you dad’s out there: Where did the boxer go at the party?…. the punchline! HAHAHA!!!!! happy Father’s day to all of you dads

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