Halloween superstitions revealed. Steeped in tradition, Halloween season also is a time of year when superstitions take root and add to the spooky and often silly nature of the holiday. Some Halloween traditions are traced back to the ancient Celts. Their belief that spirits of the deceased were able to wander the earth during the time they called Samhain. Folks would wear costumes so the living could blend in with ghosts, and treats were laid out to appease the spirits. #Halloween
Halloween Superstitions Revealed

Over the years, additional Halloween superstitions have emerged. The origins vary, but the following are some common superstitions to consider as October 31 draws near. Yes, people still today believe in these superstitions.
Halloween Superstitions Revealed! #Halloween Share on X- Some believe that bats flying around a house on Halloween – either indoors or outside – is a sign that spirits lurk nearby. See Bat Facts
- Black cats have long been thought as companions of witches or “familiars,” demonic animals gifted to them. While some think it’s bad luck for a black cat to cross your path, in Ireland, Scotland and England, black cats symbolize good luck. See Black Cat Facts
- One Halloween superstition states that if you walk around your home backward three times and then counterclockwise three times before the sun sets on Halloween, you will ward off nearby evil spirits.
- Legend has it that you will have good luck if you sleep facing south the night before Halloween.
- Apples can help people determine if they will live long lives. On Halloween night, you have to make an unbroken apple peel, which will estimate how long you will live. The longer the peel is, the longer you’ll live.
- Another superstition suggests that if you spot a spider on Halloween, the spirit of a deceased loved one is watching over you.
- No person should lie in a coffin while alive, even for fun. Otherwise, he or she is inviting death. Also, no item of clothing belonging to a living person should ever be put on a corpse when it is placed in a coffin, for as it rots in the grave so will the rightful owner’s health begin to decline.
- Children who are born on Halloween are said to have the gift of second sight, which may also include the power to ward off evil spirits.
- Do not to turn around on Halloween night if they hear footsteps behind them, as this could mean Death is following.
- There is a superstition that when you pass a graveyard or house where someone has died, you should turn your pockets inside out to make sure you don’t bring home a ghost in your pocket.
- Jack-o’-lanterns light up Halloween nights. Not to mention, Jack-o’-lanterns were originally made out of hollowed-out turnips, but pumpkins replaced the turnips when the Irish emigrated to North America. Plus, Jack-o’-lanterns, used to guide lost souls and keep evil spirits at bay.
Halloween is full of superstitions, myths and traditions. These traditions get passed down through the years and generations. I am sure just like the telephone game, it gets twisted and changed some too.
Halloween Superstitions revealed Compliments of MetroCreative. TF16A466
We know that superstitions are not real! These are all made up ideas to often scare people. Halloween has dark evil roots and will always have dark evil roots. Satan would love to come and steal, kill and destroy. The devil loves it when we play in dark areas. As Christians, we need awareness of these and the lies the devil uses during this dark holiday. For example, we know that second sight is not a gift of God. However, I have greater news! Jesus came to give life!
A Book
A book to check out for kids, It’s Not About You, Mr. Pumpkin by Soraya Diase Coffeelt. A very well written children’s book about the truth of Halloween. In this book, it tells us that it’s not about the pumpkin and tells us a bit of how Halloween came to be. This book is good about pointing out about celebrating Jesus instead of Halloween too.
What are some other Halloween Superstitions you have heard?
Your comments are welcome!
First published October 12, 2017. Last updated or republished October 15, 2020.
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