Gospel Acronym

I saw a graphic with an acronym for the word Gospel. Doing some research, I found a several.


Gospel Acronym (Dare2Share)
Gospel Acronym (Dare2Share)

G – God created us to be with Him (Psalm 100:3).
O – Our sins separate us from God (Romans 3:23).
S – Sins cannot be removed by good deeds (Romans 5:8).
P – Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again (Romans 5:8).
E – Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life (John 3:16).
L – Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever (John 10:28).


Gospel Acronym (IV Given)
Gospel Acronym (IV Given)

G – God
O – Offers
S – Sinful
P – People
E – Eternal
L – Life

That is true, but the only want to get that is by accepting His Son, Jesus Christ are your personal Savior. Jesus is the only way to the Father in Heaven. (John 14:6)

Peculiar Paper

Gospel Acronym (Peculiar Paper)
Gospel Acronym (Peculiar Paper)

G – God’s
O – Only
S – Son
P – Provides
E – Everlasting
L – Life

John 3:16 tells us this that God sent His Only Son, Jesus to die on the Cross for us to give us that eternal life with Him in Heaven.

I do not know the links for IV Given or Peculiar Paper, other wise I would link to those sources as well.

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4 thoughts on “Gospel Acronym

  1. Thank you, Steve. You’ve helped a lot with the Gospel acronym. It is giving me more focus on my evangelistic ministry. God bless you ALWAYS.

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