As I type this blog entry, it is said that God’s Not Dead is the #2 movie in the country. Pure Flix put this film out. That is totally awesome!
God’s Not Dead Movie Trailer
God’s Not Dead Movie Review

I would like to thank God for the blessing of getting to go see this movie. We tried to go see it Saturday with the youth and it was sold out. I decide to take my daughter on Sunday after church and this group of people asked what we were going to go see and they blessed us with 2 free tickets to see God’s Not Dead. I do not know who they were but God does. Thanks to my Heavenly Father for that blessing first and foremost, and also thank you to those earthly angels for blessing us with them.
I hope that you have got to see this movie. If you haven’t, then I recommend that you go see it. I think it is one the best movies I have seen, aside from Courageous and Fireproof.
Moving Movie
I think this was a very moving movie. I watched the Sunday, March 23, 2014 showing at 1:20 pm. It was nearly sold out, there was still some seating available, but while the movie was playing, you can feel the emotions of the viewers. There was applause, crying and even people speaking out like really he did that, etc.
I like how in the movie they used Bible scriptures to point out proof of the existence of God. I like how they used quotes of philosophers, scientist, etc, who claim to be an atheist, but contradict what they believe with other sayings.
Change the World?
I believe this movie can help change the way the world perceives God. That God is not dead that he surely is alive. It shows that it is just as simple as believing and accepting Jesus.
How many of us would stand up for our faith, a form of apologetics, like in this movie how Josh did. Would we write God is Dead to pass the class or would we not write and prove your point in while you believe God Is Not Dead. The other question is, would we know why we believe that God’s not dead? The Bible does tell us that we need to be ready to give an answer to the hope we believe in. So we should be ready to defend our faith.
Standing Up for your Faith
I like how they show this Muslim woman who was saved and how she stud up for her faith too. Despite she lost her earthly family, she did gain a heavenly family.
I think one of the things I could relate Josh’s girlfriend, how she seemed to always want to control what he does, etc. I have been there too many times myself. I also feel that I seem to date women that seem to try to pull me away from being active in church etc. They don’t seem to understand that I feel led to work with the youth. I have to say if someone doesn’t understand that, they God doesn’t mean for that person to be with you.
I know there is a lot more that I would love to put in this blog entry, but if I did I am sure I would give away a lot of things that happened in it that you must see for yourself the outcome.
One quote that I liked from the movie is …
[tweetshare tweet=”Sometimes the devil allows people to live a life free of trouble, cause he doesn’t want them turning to God.” username=”ChristianBlogR”]
To that quote I will have to say, the devil knows there is a God and he doesn’t want people to believe there is one. He will try his best to keep you from trying to turn to God.
Another good quote I liked was said by Josh was …
[tweetshare tweet=”How do you hate someone you say doesn’t exists. #GodsNotDead” username=”ChristianBlogR”]
Hate God?
I am sure that if you talk to atheist they will say they hate God, but also claim that he doesn’t exists. So the quote does make since. You do have to believe something exist in order to hate it.
There was even special appearances in the movie by the Newsboys (who play 2 songs including their hit song God’s Not Dead) and even Willie & Korie Robertson from Duck Dynasty.
I hope and pray that this movie can help encourage others to stand up for God, protect your faith and be ready to defend God. If we deny Him, He will deny us.
I enjoyed this movie so much, I would love to go see it again. I also cannot wait for it to come out on DVD. I know I will buy this movie.
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Did you see this movie? Please share with me your thoughts, reviews, etc. of this movie. Maybe you had to do something similar, please share your experience with that. Was there anything in the movie you liked best, spoke to you or maybe there was something in the movie that you didn’t agree or believe. Please feel free to share your comments. #GodsNotDeadMovie #GodsNotDeadAbout the Author
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The movie was absolutely awesome. I was moved to tears. The quote the elderly woman stated was so on point and the professor that was hit by the car and didn’t die immediately shows that our God is a God of a second chance. It is not His will that anyone should perish.
Yes you are right Steph. Our God is a God of second chances. Yes, it was a great movie. Yes, I had tears too.
I agree wholeheartedly with your review. This was one of the best movies I have every seen. I also took away the exact two quotes that you did as they really resonated with me. It is rare for me to watch a movie for a second time, but I could definitely watch this one and plan to purchase the DVD as well once it is available.
Thank you for your comment.
I noticed this movie is now at the Dollar movies so I went and watched it for the second time. I did state about the apologetics aspect, however I think since we just got done doing Agency D3 which was a VBS on apologetics I saw more of the apologetics part watching it the second time. If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend it. I cannot wait till it comes out on DVD which is been announced as August 5th. That is the day before my birthday. It would make an awesome birthday present.