God is Merciful – Attribute of God – Day 30 – on this days challenge we had to read and write out Romans 9:14-18 and share the attribute(s) of God. Part of the 31 Days of the Attributes of God.

14 What shall we say then? There is no injustice with God, is there? May it never be! 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16 So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.” 18 So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires.
Romans 9:14-18 NASB
This shows that He is just and full of mercy. That means He won’t let sin go unpunished. It also shows that God chooses who to have mercy on and who not to have mercy on. It is not our choice!
Mercy is to show forgiveness toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. Remember we answer to God on Judgement Day.
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