God is healer – Attribute of God – Day 27 – On this day of the challenge you had to read and write Psalm 147:3-6. Part of the 31 Days of the Attribute of God.

3 He heals the brokenhearted
Psalm 147:3-6 NASB
And binds up their wounds.
4 He counts the number of the stars;
He gives names to all of them.
5 Great is our Lord and abundant in strength;
His understanding is infinite.
6 The Lord supports the afflicted;
He brings down the wicked to the ground.
I thought this sick teddy bear was cute and had to use it. Sometimes when we don’t feel good we want to be cared for and taken care of. When it comes to healing, it all comes from God. He may use the medical industry for that healing.
Another thing we have to remember is, we may not see healing on earth, but we will as a child of God see healing in Heaven … Glorified New Body!
In these verses I see that He is also strong. He is also caring. Again, He is just! He will punish evil.
I am glad our Heavenly Father who counts the stars wont’ forget our His children as Charles Spureon quoted.
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