God calls the willing not the able. Look at Moses he stuttered, a speech impediment. See Exodus 4:10 below.
Then Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.”
Yet, God enabled Moses and used Moses with the aid of Aaron. God will use those the same way, those who submit to Him and allow Him to use them. Your qualifications don’t matter to God, your willingness to serve does.
Most of the men God used we’re uneducated men.

I may not have great grammar or spelling but I blog for God. God uses me to reach people via this blog. The Blog is to give God the Glory. I am not perfect, no one is, but Jesus Christ. I am a sinner. But, I feel God led me to have this blog to share the Word to the World. Serving is in the heart. It is a heart condition. My pastor always says its a heart condition. Where is your heart at when you do it. Is it doing it for the glory of God? I feel led to serve God through this Blog Ministry. C.H. Suprgeon quoted a good quote, see below.
Not I but Christ if that your heart desires God can use you
We have to remember it is God’s will not our will. Just as Spurgeous said above, No I but Christ.
I think those who nit pick and make fun because you don’t have good grammar or spelling are those that are trying to justify something in their own life. They try to make out that all Christians are to be perfect, but we aren’t. We are to strive to be more Christ like every day. This is a struggle, but thank goodness I am washed and saved by the precious blood of Christ. When God sees me, he sees His Son’s blood that was shed for me, since I accepted Jesus. I pray that you will accept and not reject Jesus. Today is the day of salvation. All of those who call upon the name of the Lord Shall Be saved.
This has been another blog brief on food for thought. Also remember that everything belongs to God. He is the creator! That is why this Blog Belongs To Him and I do it for His Glory. I hope to reach the lost and also the saved a like. Help you on your walk and you can comment and maybe help me on mine as well.
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I hear you loud and clear God uses everyone.