Game On! Vacation Bible School #GameOn #VBS2018

Game On! Vacation Bible School – 2018’s VBS with a sports theme. Many of the Southern Baptist Churches are doing this Lifeway’s Vacation Bible School lessons. Learn more about Game on! #GameOn #VBS

Game On! Vacation Bible School

My church, Piedmont Baptist in Dandridge, TN will be doing ours from Sunday, June 3, 2018 to Friday June 8, 2018. Friday is the commencement day, with homemade ice cream! We will doing it each night from 6:30 pm to 8:30 p.m. We even have an Adult VBS class! Not many churches have that!

Game On! Vacation Bible School #GameOn #VBS2018

Theme Bible Verse


2 Peter 1:3 – His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 


Gear up! Get Ready! Game on!


Below are the lessons that are in the youth book. Not sure what the other books have, but they should be similar.

Day 1:

Jesus Cares About Me – Jesus used a story about a shepherd who had lost one of his 100 sheep to teach us about our need and His desire to meet that need. Jesus seeks out those who are lost and in need of a Savior. (Luke 15:1-7)

Day 2:

Jesus Gives Me Hope – Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus got sick and died four days before Jesus arrived in Bethany. In an emotional scene of grief and mourning, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. The situation revealed Jesus’ power over death and pointed to His own death and resurrection on our behalf, showing us the hope we have that we will also be resurrected to live with Him forever. (John 11:1-44)

Day 3:

Jesus Helps Me Believe – Jesus died on the cross, was buried in the tomb, then rose from the grave. Thomas heard the news before he saw the resurrected Jesus with his own eyes. It was then, upon seeing the risen Christ that Thomas believed. By appearing to Thomas, Jesus helped him believe. Jesus helps us believe without seeing. (John 20:19-31)

Day 4:

Jesus Loves Me – John’s experience of Jesus’ love was strong and personal. At the Last Supper, Jesus expressed His love for the disciples and taught them to love others. At the crucifixion, Jesus again revealed His love for people. John experience Jesus’ love again when he saw the empty tomb and encountered the resurrected Jesus. These experiences show us how to love others just as Jesus loves us. (John 13:1-35; John 19:25-27; John 20:1-10; John 21:1-14)

Day 5:

Jesus Gives Me JoyPaul and Silas were imprisoned and put in stocks for preaching the gospel. That night, the two men sang praises to God aloud. An earthquake shook the prison so that the men were free to escape. Instead, Paul and Silas stayed and preached the gospel to the jailer and his family, who then turned to Jesus in faith. Just like Paul and Silas, we can respond to any circumstance with joy and commitment to continue carrying out God’s purpose in the world. (Acts 16:23-34)

Letters to Wounded Heroes

Maybe you can have your VBS Group write letters that will go in a care package to wounded heroes.

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