Want to get some free Christian music downloads?
I have compiled a list of free Christian Music (Contemporary and Gospel Music) & Christian Audio Book Downloads that are free for you to download. Most sites you sign up for free. Most of them update a new song to download every week, usually on Tuesday and some on Friday. Others are just a one time download.
Free Christian Music Downloads

The Below list include Christian Rock, Christian Rap, Christian R&B, Christian Hip-Hop, Christian Heavy Metal, Christian Hardcore Rock, Faith-Based Music, Encouraging Music, Positive Music, etc. Basically it’s all clean good music to listen to no matter your genre of music you enjoy best.
Bookmark this page and come back to it once a week to get more free Christian Music. Build that Christian Music library. Only listen to Christian Music. Maybe this is a good way to listen to Christian music for 30 days. Some of these are local indie Christian Bands or less known but good Christian Bands. Even some are some old school Christian bands too. At times you will find some current bands too.

Free Audio Book Downloads
Free Audio Book Downloads Share on XChristian Audio: – christianaudio.com/free
This one has one free Christian audio book download each month.

Free Christian Music (Weekly or updated often) Part 1
Free Christian Music Downloads #ChristianMusic Share on X
CCM Addict: cmaddict.com/free_music.php
This one has several to download, not sure yet if they update regularly or not.
FREE CCM: freeccm.com/free-downloads
This one has one new song each week.
Tickets: itickets.com/freemusicdownload/
This one now comes out on Fridays instead of Tuesdays. Once in a
Jesus Freak Hideout jesusfreakhideout.com/downloads/freemusic.asp
Thanks Ryan for informing me of this site. This one seems to have a variety that you can download.

Free Christian Music (Weekly or updated often) Part 2
Free Christian Music Downloads #ChristianMusic Share on XN-Z
New Release Tuesday: .newreleasetuesday.com/freemusic.php
This one has several new songs each week.
Noisetrade noisetrade.com/genres/christian-gospel
This one you can keep downloading a variety of songs, but you must enter your e-mail for each song. They send you a link then you can download that song. Song by NoiseTrade can be downloaded free or by a suggested donation.
Salt of the Sound: saltofthesound.com/inspiration/download-free-christian-songs/
They say they update once a month with new songs. (songs come from NoiseTrade to download) – Song by NoiseTrade can be downloaded free or by a suggested donation.
We Are Worship weareworship.com
This one offers a new song weekly.

Free Christian Music (One Time Downloads) Part 1
Free Christian Music Downloads #ChristianMusic Share on XAltar Billies – Several Songs: www.reverbnation.com/altarbillies/song/19047016-joy-to-the-world
One time song downloads, they have several right now via REVERBNATION
Right now a couple of them are Christmas Songs.
Band Justus, The thebandjustus.com
One Time Download
Bloodgood – One Song Download: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/1642462
One song download via REVERBNATION.
Brian Dale: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/2054355
A few songs to download via ReverbNation.
BTTW Church: noisetrade.com/bttwchurch
Noise Trade. They have currently 3 volumes of Indie Christian Music Bands.
Christian Music Challenge: christianmusicchallenge.com
Sign Up and they will send you a 30 day devotional and one free song download for 30 days as well via Al Menconi.
Covenant 31 covenant31.com/free-song
This one has a one time download.
Cross Pointe reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/4080162
Have a song to download
Dayvito noisetrade.com/dayvito/believe
Jesus Freak song can be downloaded free or by a suggested donation.
Dayvito noisetrade.com/dayvito/the-road-called-life
Church Wars song can be downloaded free or by a suggested donation.
Dayvito reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/2981431
Church Wars can be downloaded via ReverbNation
Finial Surrender – Several Song Downloads: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/1069941
Several song downloads via REVERBNATION.
Five & 2 – Daniel & Laura Kachelmayer 5and2music.com
This one has a one time download.
Free Music Public Domain freemusicpublicdomain.com/royalty-free-christian-music/
This site has several public domain free Christian Music song downloads.

Free Christian Music (One Time Downloads) Part 2
Free Christian Music Downloads #ChristianMusic Share on XGerry Asmus: http://www.gerryasmus.com/
This one has a one time download.
God’s Servant Ft. Ambassador, G.O.D. Sent & AD3 lampmode.bandcamp.com/track/we-the-three-ft-ambassador-g-o-d-sent-ad3
Christmas Song Download of We The Three by Lamp Mode
God’s Servant ft. S.O. lampmode.bandcamp.com/track/sdg-soli-deo-gloria-ft-s-o
Free download of SDG (Soli Deo Gloria).
Greg Howlett www.greghowlett.com/portraitsdownload.aspx
(Till Dec 31, 2016) *1 Full CD
Holycydal reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/918614
One song download.
Holycydal noisetrade.com/holycydal
Several songs to download. Song by NoiseTrade can be downloaded free or by a suggested donation.
Jubilee Page CXVI – http://www.pagecxvi.com/jubilee/
This one has a one time download.
Judy Bailey: http://www.globaloutreachday.com/resources
One time download, of the official song of Global Outreach Day. Only free to use for Global Outreach Day, not for commercial use. Song: The Spirit of the Lord
Letter 7: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/51712
Song downloads via Reverbnation.
LyonHart: noisetrade.com/lyonhart/self-titled
A Few songs to download on Noisetrade. Song by NoiseTrade can be downloaded free or by a suggested donation.

Free Christian Music (One Time Downloads) Part 3
Free Christian Music Downloads #ChristianMusic Share on XMessenger – Several Songs: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/4569
Several one time download songs via REVERBNATION
Nostalgia – ReKindle the Flame: www.reverbnation.com/nostalgia1993/song/14105861-rekindle-the-flame
One time song download via REVERBNATION. I know Brian, lead singer. This is a very good band. Must have to your collection!
Noteworthy – One Song Download: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/859316
One Song Download via REVERBNATION
Petra – Holy Is Your Name: www.petraband.com
This is a one time download, limited time only of their song Holy Is Your Name, which is going to be featured on their 40th Anniversary CD.
Phil Wickham noisetrade.com/philwickham/children-of-god-song-sampler
Three songs to download via Noisetrade, can be downloaded free or by a suggested donation. Songs are Children of God; Starmaker (High Above The Earth) & The Secret Place.

Free Christian Music (One Time Downloads) Part 4
Free Christian Music Downloads #ChristianMusic Share on XS.O. lampmode.bandcamp.com/album/so-it-begins
13 Free songs by S.O. on his album So It Begins
Samuel Elias: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/4147237
There are several songs to download for free via Reverbnation.
Sandy Harless sandyharless.com/
This one is a one time download of a complete album.
Saving Darkness: reverbnation.com/savingdarkness
1 Song Download via Reverbnation. A great band I got to meet them in person.
Shai Linne: lampmode.bandcamp.com/track/the-glory-of-god
1 Song download of The Glory of God
NEW! SpiritChill: https://ssvministries.com/free-music
Album Download and more.
Stephen the Levite: lampmode.bandcamp.com/track/temptation-2
1 Song download of Temptation
Stephen the Levite: lampmode.bandcamp.com/track/give-it-up-remixed-by-wes-pendleton
1 Song download of Give it Up Remixed by Wed
Switchfoot switchfoot.com/air1_getaway2017/
Limited time download of I Won’t Let You Go and a chance to enter tickets to Switchfoot. From Switchfoot and Air1.
ShatterRed shatterredmusic.com
Limited time, 2 song downloads.
Shea: noisetrade.com/shea/sampler
Sampler of music by Shea via Noisetrade. Song by NoiseTrade can be downloaded free or by a suggested donation.
Support the Sound! supportthesound.com
This has a one-time download.
Theocracy – One Song Download: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/385460
One time download song via REVERBNATION
Timothy Brindle lampmode.bandcamp.com/track/the-all-sufficiency-of-christ
Free download of The All Sufficiency of Christ.
Timothy Brindle lampmode.bandcamp.com/track/the-daily-gospel
Free download of The Daily Gospel
Thousand Foot Krutch (TFK) noisetrade.com/tfk/the-winter-jam-ep
3 Free Song Downloads for the Winter Jam EP
Unbroken by Disciple: soundcloud.com/hmmagazine/disciple-unbroken
Free song download by Disciple of Unbroken via SoundCloud.
Universal Disciple – Several Songs: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/172618
Several Rap Christian Songs to download via REVERBNATION.
Vision Red reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/354440
They have several songs to download.
WhiteCross – Several Songs: reverbnation.com/artist/downloads/67062
Several songs, one-time download via REVERBNATION.
Whosoever South: reverbnation.com/whosoever
Some song downloads via Reverbnation.
Worship Forward churchleaders.com/worship/free-resources-worship-creative/159704-free-album-download-worship-forward.html
This one has a one time download, 15 songs.
Come Back Often!
Most of these sites above have new songs each week. So it’s worth coming back to this post each week. Usually Tuesday is when most of these have the newest downloads. This way once a week you can add new music to your Christian Music library
Please bookmark this post as I will add more and more to it.
Help me build this list …
If you know of other sites that give away Free Christian Music. Please note it must be Christian music, I will add it to the list. It must be legal to download too. Feel free to leave a comment of other sites you use use to get Free music. It must be legal too. You may also use my contact form to send it to me too.
If you are a local or new Christian band and have free song downloads, let me know where and I will add this to the list. Indie bands too!
If you notice a link not working please feel free to share that with me as well.
Sharing is Caring!
Now let your friends, family and everyone else know by sharing this link. Below you can share it via email and/or via your favorite social site. Don’t keep this a secret! SHARE! You will find social media share buttons, so you can easily share the list. Or likewise if any links no longer work, please let me know that too.
Click Here to Learn about listening to Christian Music for 30 Days!
Check out Courageous Christian Father’s Wish list on Amazon where you can purchase and this items sent directly to him and they will be used for the ministry.
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Originally post and regularly updated since February 29, 2012. Updates and republished often. Last updated January 13, 2021.
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As a link you can see all kinds of free music on Amazon.com and that is search on Christian.
http://www.newreleasetuesday.com/freemusic.php is another site.
Amen! thanks for sharing! hugs
Thanks. I know that CCM and GMC are two places to get free downloads.
KLove also does.
Klove is on there and Air1 they are first
Just a note K-Love & Air One no longer have the free song downloads at this time.
I looked at the list and bookmarked them. Thank you for sharing. I did not see Gospel Music Channel on your list. But they also have a free weekly download. I think that theirs is on Monday.
Cool what’s the URL?
Ty I check it out get it added to the list
At this I have noticed both Air1 and K-Love no longer give a free downloaded song. But keep checking. Never know if they will again.
Do you know sites I have not listed? Share with me.
Another website is http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/downloads/freemusic.asp
They keep all their past free downloads up too.
Hey thanks Ryan. I appreciate that very much.
Another Website would be
you would have to sign up (free). It is the Kingsway record label’s website, there are new downloads on the American version every Tuesday and new downloads on the UK version every Friday on left side in blue. 🙂
You can switch versions by clicking on the little flag icon in the very top left corner of the page.
Thanks, I added your this link to the list in the blog entry. Thanks for the comment.
You can download my entire album free any time at http://www.sandyharless.com or http://www.masterweaver.net. Blessings to you!
Hey thank you I’ll check that out download it and I also add it to the list above
http://www.freechristmusic.com links to free Christian music downloads. They have music from a good variety of genres. There is something for everyone.
Thanks Josh, I appreciate the new link. I will have to check that link out and get it added to the list. Thanks for reading. God Bless!
Hello could anyone please tell me where I could download the song (Come As You Are ) from the Crowder Band thanks Connie
@Connie Right now there isn’t one free to download legally. Just keep on eye out on these sources, it just might one day be the one, but right now you will need to pay to get it via iTunes or Amazon. Thanks for the comment Connie. God Bless.
I am trying to find two songs to complete my mom’s memorial service video I am making. The one is “Change My Heart Oh God” (you know, the one about You are the potter, I am the clay….
The other one is: Because He Lives.
mp3 or 4
Can you help me with that?
God bless,
You might be able to go to the Burn Bar at a Christian Book Store like Lifeway and get it or use Amazon or iTunes. I do not know of any that are free at this time.
Great thanks for sharing
You are welcome Lora. Make sure you share the link on your favorite social media network(s).
New songs added daily if you know of a Christian band giving away free Christian Music online or you are a Christian Band giving away free Christian music please let me know so I can add them to this list. If a link no longer works also let me know, so I can remove it.
I know i’m prejudiced, but it’s true! You can find the best free Christian music at http://www.freemusicpublicdomain.com/royalty-free-christian-music/
Is this your website why you are prejudiced to the link? Thanks for sharing.
This is wonderful! Thanks!
You are very welcome Renee. Thanks for the comment.
Thamk you so much for your blog. It is truly a blessing. I manage a blog myself at http://www.practicaldiscipleship.com and my readers will love your content. – Danny
Awesome ty for the comment and I’ll have to check out your blog. God bless.
check out worshipsong.com. Lots of free downloads for songs.
I’ll have to check that out. Thank you.
Hi Steve,
Don’t know if you’re still operating as the last date is 2016 …. but if you are here is my website where all the tracks from my 1991 album ‘He Will Come’ are up for FREE download ……
Blessings … (have no idea what all the ‘jargon’ below means – ‘a feed could not be found …. BUT the music is directly downloadable from my site! (and the URL is correct)
Thanks, I will get that added to the list. Thanks so much. 2016, was the last time that was republished. I have new content as of today actually.
Great! … thanks Steve ….. while you’re at it .. check out ‘Two Amazing Miracles’ video on my website … I think it will bless you …..