Free Bible Verses via SMS Sent directly to your Phone

Free Bible Verses via SMS Sent directly to your Phone – Do you want text messages of Bible verses sent to your phone? Here is a list of sites that will do that.

Free Bible Verses via SMS Sent directly to your Phone

Free Bible Verses via SMS Sent directly to your Phone - Do you want text messages of Bible verses sent to your phone? Here is a list of sites that will do that.

You can get these Bible verses from a variety of translations of the Bible too. So in a way it is like having a stack of different Bibles. If you subscribe to more than one place, you will get many Bible verses as often as they put them out.

This list was first done in 2012 and I updated it in 2016, I noticed it trending again in 2021, so I figured I would update it and rerepublish it!

Having a daily Bible verse sent to your phone can help engage your reading of the Bible more daily. It might give you desire to go dig deeper and see the full context of that verse. Not to mention, it can also give you God’s word and encourage you and/or uplift you.

For the most part, Mobile Apps can notify you of Daily Bible Verses instead of being sent a text message, but if you still want one that way or have a phone that is not a smart phone or uses apps, then this list may help you out.

Below is a small list of sites that give Bible verses either daily or near daily.  If I haven’t listed one that you use, feel free to leave a comment and share with me that site. Also feel free to like this post and/or share it on your favorite social media site.


At this site you register online. You request a key to be sent to your phone. You enter your phone number, provider, and the provided key to register.

You can also reply with NEXT to receive another Bible verse.

Bridge, The

This one text you three chapters to read for the day. Text READTHEBOOK to 31996.

(I have not got any from this one yet)

Daily Bible SMS

You can send BIBLESMS to 56263456 to get daily Bible Verses sent directly to your phone via SMS. They also have a form you can fill out online.

(I have not got any from this one yet)

Free Scripture Text

They have a form to use to get free Scripture text sent to your phone. Free Scripture Text  uses a form similar to most media networks for news alerts. They give you three times to choose from. You can choose all three if you wish too.


You must have mobile set up on Twitter. First you need to follow the below Twitter usernames. Then you must allow mobile notifications of those alerts or notifications for those Twitter usernames. The majority of the ones I saw online used Twitter. (Now with notifications and smart phones this method is not used as much)

(There are tons more via Twitter)


Please comment with others you use that’s not listed!

Is there any other services like the above that I should add to this list? If so please share that as a comment. I would to hear from you , so I can have more added to this list of Free Bible Verses via SMS Sent directly to your Phone.

First Published October 23, 2012 with updates and revisions since and last republished on June 16, 2022..

Check out Courageous Christian Father’s Wish list on Amazon where you can purchase and this items sent directly to him and they will be used for the ministry.

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8 thoughts on “Free Bible Verses via SMS Sent directly to your Phone

  1. The article provided in this blog is nice to read, it is too fine because related to god and good facility for users phone via sms.

  2. it is my prayer that all will come to know the truth and i know the truth will set them free and be partakers with Christ in Heaven. Thank you all

  3. Using our datacenter and infrastructure we can setup the connectivity with operators and you can own your SMSC to send unlimted SMS #Nigeria #Ghana #Uganda #Zimbabwe by paying an very nominal setup fee for hosting your own SMSC

  4. I like the twitter feed verses since I can look at them on computer and get as sms. But of the 4 you posted, Bible2mobile has been pretty reliable until the last 2 weeks. NLTverse is full of ads. And the other two quit updating months ago. So maybe its time to revisit this post with updated info. What do you think?

  5. Bible Hint ( could also be added to this list!

    Bible Hint offers a daily text message from the King James Version of the Bible.

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