France: Bastille Day or Fête de la Fédération

Bastille Day France - Fête de la Fédération - Fête Nationale

Bastille Day or Fête de la Fédération is July 14, which is France’s National Day similar to America having it’s Independence Day.

France: Bastille Day or Fête de la Fédération or Fête Nationale

Date:July 14 Each Year – 14 Juillet chaque année

The French National Day called Bastille Day commemorates the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1989. It was an important event in Paris in a violent revolution that had begun two days earlier, as well as the Fête de la Fédération which celebrates unity of the French people. Bastille Day is also celebrated or observed in many other countries around the world too.

Celebrated on Quatorze Juillet (14 Juillet) in French meaning the fourteenth of July.

Bastille Day France - Fête de la Fédération - Fête Nationale

France is one of the countries that visits Courageous Christian Father. Merci France! That means Thanks France!

Fête de la Fédération is literary translated as Festival of the Federation or Federation Festival. Fête Nationale, translated as National Festival. It is a National Holiday for France.

France celebrates with balls, fireworks and parades just like America does for the 4th of July. There is even a Fireman’s ball held at fire stations started on the 13th at 9 pm and ending at 4 am on the 14th.

I even saw that there is free admission to the Louvre. The Louvre is the world’s largest museum and a historic monument in Paris, France. It is also the worlds second most visited museum in the world. It is also, a central landmark of the city of Paris, France.

I bet it would be awesome to see the fireworks in Paris, France at the Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel). France is a country that I would love to visit. I took two years of French in High School and one semester in college. I speak a little bit of French. (Je parle en tres pue Français.)


First published July 12, 2016. Republished July 13, 2020.

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